The Doctor

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Shiro returned with Dr Michaels, Iverson and Admiral Sandra, by which time Lance had removed the shackles with his fathers help.
Lance was angry as they crowded into the bedroom and ogled Keith like he was a creature on display.
‘If you don't mind,' said Michaels, gesturing to the door after a few minutes.
‘Of course, doctor,' the Admiral said, as she led the others out.
Michaels stood at the door and stared at Lance. ‘If you would just...’
‘I'm not leaving,' Lance said.
‘I'm sorry, but you need to leave while I carry out my examination,' Michaels said.
‘No,' Lance said.
‘Doctor,’ said the Admiral, 'let him stay.’
Michaels stared at her a moment then closed the door. He pulled the desk chair closer to the bed and placed his bag on it. From the bag he pulled out a portable scanner, that reminded Lance of the old Ipad he had as a kid, so he could check for broken bones. Michaels held the screen over Keith and slowly checked for breaks. He then put the scanner away.
‘So, anything broken?' asked Lance.
‘I can't discuss my patient with you' said Michaels. ‘I know he's your teammate…’
‘Fiance,’ Lance corrected.
Michaels turned to him in surprise. ‘Apologies, I didn't realise. In that case, he has a broken cheek and several broken ribs. I need to clean his back so we can turn him over to relieve the pressure on them.’
Pulling on gloves, Michaels started cleaning Keith's wounds.
‘Can you remove your dirty armour, and help me turn him over,’ Michaels said.
Lance pulled his armour of the top part of his body, including the under suit.
‘You're wounded,’ Michaels said.
‘I'm fine,’ Lance said waving his hand dismissively.
Michaels put his hand under Keith's arms and Lance grabbed Keith's hips.
‘Once we turn him, I want him in a sitting position,’ Michaels said.
Lance nodded. They turned Keith over and Lance sat on the bed and held Keith to him.
Michaels removed pack from his bag. Opening the packet he removed and unfolded a large pad which he spread over the bed.
‘This won't stick to his wounds, and is infused with antibiotics,’ Michaels said. ‘It will need to be changed daily.'
As they lay Keith back he gave a small groan.
Lance lay him back and Keith's eyes shot open and his breathing became rapid.
‘You're okay, baby,’ said Lance. ‘This is Dr Michaels, he's looking after you because the healing pods in the Castle are out of commission for the moment.'
Keith tried to sit up, gasped and held his ribs.
‘You need to stay still,' said Michaels, 'you have broken ribs, and a broken cheek.'
Lance moved out of the way so Michaels could sit down. Michaels started by cleaning the blood away on Keith's left arm then began on his wrist where the shackles cut into it.
Lance watched as Michaels ran a thumb over one of the old scars on Keith's arm before bandaging it. He then moved onto Keith's other arm, then his face, and through all this, Keith made no sound.
Lance could see Keith had withdrawn into himself, and worry sat heavy in his chest.
‘Let me look at your wounds,’ Michaels said to Lance.
Lance had a deep blaster wound on his side, and one on to top of his right arm. Michaels cleaned and dressed the wounds before removing more pads from his bag and put them on the desk before closing his bag and walking to the door.
‘I'll be back in a day to check his wounds,’ said Micheals and stepped out the door. He turned and motioned to Lance to join him in the hallway.
‘He is prone to self harm?' asked Michael in a soft voice.
‘It's been a while since he tried anything,’ Lance said.
‘I'm sure I don't have to tell you to keep an eye on him,’ said Michaels, ‘he took a lot of abuse to get injuries like that.'
‘I'll watch him, and thanks,’ Lance said.
Lance closed the door when Michaels left, and returned to sit on the edge of the bed.
'TaIk to me,' Lance murmured.
‘And say what?’ asked Keith.
‘What ever you need too,' said Lance. ‘It's only us here.’
‘Can you sit me up more,' Keith said.
‘Sure, let me find some extra pillows first,’ Lance said. the knew it was a way for Keith to deflect the question, but didn't want to argue with him right now. Lance went to the cupboard in the hall and pulled out for pillows.
On his way back to the room Maria came up the stairs and followed him into the room.
‘Mama, can you put these behind Keith when I sit him up,’ Lance said.
‘Of course,’ she said, taking the pillows from him.
Lance slipped an arm behind Keith and under the pad and sat him forward. Maria arranged the pillows and Lance lay him back. The only indication it hurt was when Keith gripped Lance's shoulder tightly.
‘Shiro is taking the others back to the Garrison,' said Maria, ‘and will come back in the morning. Did you eat yet? I can bring you something.’
Keith shook his head.
‘We're good, Mama,' Lance said.
‘If you need anything, just get me up,' Maria said sadly, as she left and closed the door behind her.
Lance took the rest off his armour and stripped to his shorts. He then turned and removed Keith's shoes, then carefully removed his trousers and pulled a blanket over him. After turning the lamp beside the bed on and turned the overhead light off. He moved to the other side of the bed and crawled on.
Lance stacked his pillows up next to Keith’s and lay down, slipping his hand into Keith's.
Keith closed his eyes and Lance watched him fall asleep, and in his heart he knew something was wrong.

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