Market Day

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Twenty minutes later, showered and dressed, Lance walked into dining room to find Shiro, Pidge and Hunk already there arguing. They didn't realise he'd entered the room.
'Don't make us go?' Pidge whined.
'Yeah, I'm sure Keith prefers to go alone,' Hunk said.
'He always goes by himself,' said Shiro, 'it wouldn't hurt for him to have some help. After all, the two of you always get him to buy stuff for you.'
'Please, don't make us go with him,' Pidge whined again. 'He's no fun on these trips, he's always so uptight and wary about everything.'
Lance felt anger well inside him.
'That's not a bad thing,' Shiro reasoned. 'We are going to alien planets where we don't know some of the cultures. Keith has a knack of sensing trouble.'
'I'll go,' Lance said taking his seat.
Shiro blinked at him. 'What?'
'I'll go with Keith to the market,' Lance said.
'Who are you, and what have you done with Lance?' asked Hunk.
'Funny, Hunk,' said Lance, 'and Shiro's right, Keith could use some help.'
'I'm not sure you two alone together is a good idea,' Pidge said.
'Yeah, buddy, you two don't exactly have a good track record of play nice together,' Hunk said.
'And it's affecting your lions,' Pidge pointed out.
'Trust me,' said Lance, 'it'll be fine.'
'I have to agree with them,' said Shiro, 'it's not a good idea.'
'Ohh, come on,' said Lance, throwing his hands in the air. 'Why won't you trust me?' They just stared at him. 'Fine, let's leave it up to Keith, see what he says.'
Shiro eyed him. 'Ok,' he said slowly. 'If Keith agrees, you can go.'
When Shiro and Lance left, Pidge and think jumped up and followed, they didn't want to miss the fireworks that were about to happen.
'I bet you a batch of cookies, Keith will hit the roof at the suggestion Lance goes with him,' Hunk said.
'No bet, that's a sure thing,' Pidge said.
They entered the hanger bay where Keith prepared the small cargo ship.
'Hey, Shiro,' Keith said looking up, he glanced at Lance. A smile pulled at the corner of his lips only Lance saw, and his heart fluttered.
'So, Keith,' said Shiro, 'um... Lance has offered to help you today.' Shiro watched him tentatively.
'Fine,' Keith said.
'What?' Hunk gasped. 'Nothing makes sense.'
'You told us to work out or issues,' said Lance, 'and we did. What can I say, I won him over with my charms.'
'Yeah, right sharpshooter,' said Keith. 'Just get in and shut up.'
'Heyyy,' Lance whined and pouted.
Keith rolled his eyes, took the top of Lance's arm, and dragged him into the ship and the ramp closed behind them.
Lance chuckled and pulled Keith to him and kissed him. 'Not so rough,' he murmured.
'Lance, don't,' Keith said, pulling away from him.
Lance frowned as he watched Keith take his seat. Unsure what he did wrong, Lance took the other seat as they left the hanger bay.
'It will take about 20 minutes to get to the planet,' Keith said.
'Okay,' Lance said.
After a few minutes of silence Lance asked, 'What did I do wrong?' He didn't understand why Keith would pull away from him like that.
Keith frowned. 'Wrong?'
'When I kissed you before,' Lance said.
'Nothing, you did nothing wrong,' murmured Keith, looking at the control panel. 'I...I'm...just not used to...someone showing me...lots of...physical attention. I've been on my own for so long...I...I have to get used to having someone in my life again...I'm sorry.'
Lance went and squatted next to Keith's chair. 'No, I'm the one who's sorry,' he said. 'I was brought up in a large family where touching, cuddling, and kissing is normal. I forget you never had that.' Keith looked down at him. 'If I ever do anything you're not comfortable with, you tell me, like you just did, and I will back off.'
Keith nodded. 'I didn't hate it,' he admitted.
Lance grinned. 'Is that right?' He knelt on the floor as Keith lent down and kissed him. The touch of Keith's lips she electricity surging through his body, and a heavy warmth settled in his groin, and he groaned.
Keith pulled away red faced. 'We better not start something we can't finish,'
'I think you're too late,' Lance said. He sat back on his heels and took a few steadying breaths until his body Iost its fire.
'I'll make it up to you tonight,' Keith said.
This made Lance groan. 'That's not helping.'
Keith laughed as Lance resumed his seat. As he did, the comm beeped and Shiro appeared on screen.
'We'll hide the Castle on the second moon,' he said. 'There's been no report of Galra in the area, but we don't want to take the chance we're seen.' He looked between the two of them. 'Everything okay?'
'Everything's fine,' Keith assured him. 'You don't need to worry.'
There was a hint of humor in Keith's voice that confused Shiro. He wanted to know what had gone on between the two young men yesterday. When they got back, he was going to have words with Keith. It was unusual Keith to keep secrets from him.
'Alright,' said Shiro, 'let us know when you're ready to return.' Then he was gone from the screen.
'Space dad's freaking out,' Lance said.

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