Keeping Keith Safe

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Lance was the only one in there when Keith come out of the healing pod. When he stumbled out Lance wrapped his arm around him and held him tight.
'You scared me,' Lance murmured.
'I'm sorry,' Keith said.
Lance felt Keith's shoulders begin to shake as he cried as he clung to him. Lance rubbed circles over his back and muttered soothingly to him.
'It's okay,' he murmured. 'I promise everything will be fine. Come on, let's go to the bedroom.'
He lead Keith down the empty corridors, but instead of going into Keith's room, he took him into his.
Lance went into the bathroom and started running the water in the huge bathtub. Why Alteans need such huge baths he didn't know, but he liked it. He poured in some soothing oils and swirled the water around, and the bathroom smelled of strawberries. He had found out months ago Keith liked the smell of strawberries, so when he found bath products at the space mall, he bought some.
Lance lead him into the bathroom. He reached around Keith, unzipped the suit, and pulled it down to his waist. Wetting a washer he cleaned the blood from Keith's wrist, throat, and chest.
Lance threw the towel in the sink and wiped the tears from Keith's face with his thumbs, and lightly kissed his lips.
'It's okay,' he murmured. 'I'm here.'
Lance's heart pounded because Keith was not himself. He was more quiet than usual, and his eyes had the look of defeat to them and he worried because Shiro asked him not to leave him alone. Would he try again?
Reaching over, Lance turned the water off and undressed, before helping Keith remove the suit. Lance stepped into the bath and sat down before extending his hand to Keith.
Keith took the proffered hand and stepped in and sat down and lent his back against Lance's chest, and his head against his shoulder and closed his eyes.
Picking up a sponge, Lance pumped some strawberry scented soap onto it and ran the sponge slowly up and down his arm, then over his chest and abdomen.
Movement into bathroom doorway caught Lance's attention and he looked up to see Shiro, who gave him a small smile and a nod of his head before leaving.
Lance finished washing Keith and they got out of the tub and he pulled the plug, then proceeded to dry them both.
Once he did that, they climbed into bed. Keith lay on his right side with his back to Lance and close to the wall.
Lance's heart ached as he lay facing Keith's back. He reached out and touched Keith's shoulder.
'Hey, it's only us here,' Lance said.
After a moment, Keith rolled over and moved close to Lance and buried his face in Lance's chest and cried.
Lance held him and rubbed his back but didn't say anything. Keith fell asleep in Lance's arms, and he followed not long after.

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