Alkarah's Plan

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Keith and Lance left the astronomy room, after a search revealed nothing helpful.
‘Have you found Kolivan?' asked Keith.
Shiro: No. I don't have a good feeling about this.
Hunk: Do you think Kolivan’ s involved?
‘If he is,’ said Keith, ‘he's an excellent actor. Besides, he's had plenty of opportunity to kill me, why would he wait until now.’
They descended thestairs to the next level and cautiously opened the door, weapon's at the ready.
This level held the grandest rooms. Not long after they had arrived in the Castle, lance, Pidge and Hunk had decided to explore their new home. The rooms here were like two bedroom apartments.
When they asked why they couldn't care these room, Allura told them the helps quarters were closer to the control room, training room and amoury.
That’s all they were, the help. He thought it didn't mean anything at the time, but it did. They lived in this huge Castle and were only allowed to use a small section of it. Of course, Allura's bedroom, and Coran's, were on this level, so he assumed Keith had been up here. He couldn't see Allura making out with Keith in his room after all.
Lance feIt a rush of anger at the thought. He hated she'd touched him, but that was in the past, and by all accounts, the relationship didn't do much for Keith. If it had, he'd never of left her.
A noise towards the end of the corridor broke him out of his thoughts, and he raised his blaster.
‘There's something up here,’ murmured Keith into his comm.
Shiro: What level?
‘Four,’ Keith said.
They ran quietly towards the noise as it repeated itself.
Shiro: I'm on my way up.
Pidge: What do you want us to do?
Shiro: Hang back for the moment in case they make a run for it.
Hunk: Copy that.
‘Alkarah, why are you doing this?’ asked Kolivan.
Their voices drifted down the corridor to Keith and Lance.
‘Because the Galra can become strong with him on our side,' Alkarah said.
‘We're trying to stop that,' Kolivan said.
‘No, you are,’ snapped Alkarah, 'the Galra are strong and should rule over the weak and use their quintessence to make us stronger.’
‘One race should not rule over others,' said Kolivan. ‘Everyone deserves to live in freedom.'
‘Oh please, save your speechs for someone who cares,’ said Alkarah. ‘I plan to make Keith my mate, then present him to Lotor.'
‘He has a mate,’ Kolivan said.
Alkarah snorted. ‘That bite mark means nothing on a human, and we both know it. He doesn't have the scent glands to make the bond unbreakable. When I mark Keith, he'll forget all about that human.’
Lance's anger flared and Keith placed a hand on his arm to stop him busting into the room. Keith's touch was gentle and the lookin his eyes conveyed so much love, so close to the look he had in his eyes last night after they made love.
Lance found his anger fading. Keith had not marked him during his uncontrollable urge to mate. There were times during his heat they slept, showered and ate. It was during one of these time Keith shyly asked if he could mark him. Lance had said yes without hesitation.
‘No,' said Kolivan. ‘You underestimate Keith, you always have, and you underestimate his bond with his mate.’
There was a sound of fist on flesh. ‘Shut up,’ Alkarah snapped.
Down the other end of the hall, the lift opened and Shiro exited and hurried down to them.
'I haven't underestimated anyone,’ said Alkarah, ‘I've already told Lotor about him, and he's wait for my word.’
‘Idiot,’ snapped Kolivan. ‘Lotor will kill you and use Keith for his our evil.'
Alkarah snorted. ‘Shows what you know. Lotor promised me whatever I want if I bring Keith to him. And if Keith's my mate, then Lotor has to keep one around or risk losing Keith by him fight to avenge my death, or from a broken heart.’
The next sound they heard was Kolivan laughing. ‘All these years Keith’s been with the Blade, and you know nothing about him. He will kill you before you could get close enough to mark him.’
‘I'll keep you alive long enough to see me mark him,' Alkarah said.
They were shocked to heard his voice so close to the door, and it opened before they could move, and they all came face to face.
Keith lunged forward, swinging his sword.
Alkarah swung on large arm, catching Keith across the chest and sending him crashing into Lance and Shiro. They crumpled to the floor in a heap, and Alkarah ran down the corridor and into the stairwell.
Keith sprang to his fact and followed. Alkarah's words fanned the fire of his anger. Like so many others, he wanted to use Keith to get what he wanted. Enough was enough, he would not allow himself to be used like that again.
Keith burst through the door of the stairwell, which was filled with echoing footsteps. A quick pause told him Alkarah was headed to the roof.
Climbing the stairs two at a time, he shot out onto the roof before he realised his error in judgement. Alkarah tackled him from behind and they crashed to the ground, his sword flying out of his hand. One massive hand tore Keith helmet off and threw it aside.
In a frenzied attack he started ripping at Keith's armour, and then tore away the suit he wore underneath until his shoulder and throat was exposed.
‘You're going to be mine,’ Alkarah growled.
Keith twisted and rammed an elbow into Alkarah's face as hard as he could, sending the Galran toppling off him. When Keith scrambled to his feet the rest of his torso armour clattered to the ground and slid down the domed, glassed roof of the astronomy room under their feet. It made keeping their balance precarious at best.
‘All you have to do is be mine,' Alkarah said.
‘Never,’ Keith said.
Alkarah lunged forward and Keith side stepped, swinging his right leg up, and his foot buried itself deep into the Galrans stomach, just above the pouched belt he wore. Alkarah collapsed to the ground, and Keith moved behind him to cut him off from escaping back down the stairs, when Alkarah look around wildly for an escape route.
Shiro, Lance and Kolivan burst out the door onto the roof.
Alkarah struggled to his feet and turned to face them. They saw his hand come out of one of the pouches.
‘If you won't be mine,' said Alkarah, ‘then you won't be anyone's.'
There was a click and Alkarah held out his hand. Red lines counted down the seconds before the bomb would explode, 5,4,3…..
Keith spun to the others, meeting their eyes for the briefest second. He thrust his hands out and a bright light engulfed them. They felt the explosion rock the Castle and squeezed their eyes closed and they waited for the pain, but none come.
Opening their eyes the saw a shimmering, gold dome over them. At the edge of the dome, Keith stood with his arms stretched out either side of him, as if waiting for an embrace.
Keith's arms fell to his sides and the dome disappeared. He locked eyes with Lance a moment before he fell backwards and slid down the domed roof towards the edge, and the long drop to the ground below.
‘No,’ Lance screamed. He dropped his blaster and ran after Keith. When Keith disappeared over the edge, Lance dived after him. He grabbed Keith and pulled him close to his body and activated his jetpack. Nothing happened.
The ground seemed to move towards them in slow motion. Lance held Keith tighter and muttered so softly the others almost didn't hear him though the comm.
‘I'll never leave you.’

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