Unwanted News

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Early the next morning Coran took a shuttle and flew family members to their homes to get a change of clothes before returning them to Castle.
Once showered and changed Maria, Hank's mother, Teuila, and Pidge's mother Colleen met in the kitchen.
‘Hunk said there was human food in here,’ Teuila said.
They stood and gazed around the alien kitchen having no idea where to look.
Maria frowned, then moved forward and opened what looked like cupboards. The other women followed her example until they found the fridge, freezer. and pantry.
Before long, breakfast was cooking, and the women were chatting like they had known each other forever.
Marco entered the kitchen and kissed Maria on the check. ‘Morning mama,’ he said.
‘Good morning,' she said, happily. ‘Can you go and let everyone know breakfast will be ready on 10 minutes.'
Marco nodded and left. He told anyone he saw about breakfast, and then they then went and told other family members. Marco stood outside Lance and Keith's door and knocked.
A minute later a sleepy eyed Keith opened the door and let him in.
‘Mama said breakfast in 10 minutes,’ Marco said. He eyed the cuts, bruises and scars that covered the young men's bodies.
‘Good,' mumbled Lance, 'I'm starving.'
Keith stretched as the went into the bathroom and closed the door, as Lance swing his legs over the side of the bed and almost stood on Kosmo.
‘Shit, sorry Kosmo,' Lance said, as he stood.
Kosmo gave him a glare then got up and moved to sit in front of the bathroom door with his back to Lance.
Marco chuckled. ‘I think you have some completion for Keith's attention,’ he said.
‘I'm sure I'll grow on him after a while,' Lance said, as he dug out clothes for them to wear and put them on the bed.
‘I don't doubt it,' said Marco. ‘I'll see you at breakfast.’ He turned and left.
Soon the dinning table was piled with food, and the huge table accomodated all the extra bodies around it, and the atmosphere was one of relief and joy.
The company was good and the food even better, as chatter filled the room.
‘Where do you think Allura and her father are?’ asked Keith.
Lance shrugged. ‘Maybe they're catching up,’ he said.
Seemed like the most logical answer and he thought nothing more of it as the fed a piece of waffle to Molly who was sitting in his lap and spoke to Shiro who sat to his left.
The dinning room doors opened and Allura and Alfor came in with someone.
The fork in Keith's hand fell to his plate with a clatter, which caught everyone's attention and the room fell into silence.
Shiro spring to his feet. ‘This is not the time,’ he said, ‘we spoke about this.'
‘It is not your decision,' said Alfor. ‘Keith, we need to talk.'
‘Why is he here?' asked Keith.
‘That is what we need to talk about,' Alfor said.
‘No,' Shiro snapped.
‘You have no say in this,' Alfor said.
‘Yes I do,’ said Shiro, slamming his hands on the table. ‘Adam and I are his parents, not him.’
‘What's going on?’ demanded Keith.
As he watched, he man he knew as Frank Kogane, changed into an Altean.
‘The man you know as your father, is my brother, Franklin,' said Alfor. ‘You are a prince of Altea.’
Keith looked up at Shiro. ‘You knew?'
‘I found out last night,' said Shiro. ‘I didn't want you to find out until after Krolia's funeral. We were only thinking of you.’
Keith was angry they'd kept this from him. Glancing around the table, he could see the only people surprised by the news were Lance, Pidge and Hunk.
‘We don't have time to wait,' said Alfor. ‘There is a world where Altean's have coIonized, a world that will become New Altea. You and Allura will marry and unite our people.’
‘I don't think so,' said Lance, springing to his feet. ‘He's marrying me, no her.'
‘No,’ said Alfor. ‘He has a duty to do, and we are is blood family. We will return to New Altea tomorrow.’
‘I'm not going anywhere,’ said Keith, ‘and I don't want anything to do with him. This is bullshit.’ He stood with Molly still in his arms and heads for the door, with Kosmo following.
Alfor grabbed his arm and a jolt of Altean magic passes between them. The others watch as bright red Altean markings appear on Keith's face.
Allura's eyes widen in shock. ‘Red markings,’ she gasped.
Keith pull is arm from Alfor's grasp. At his side Kosmo growled. Reacting down Keith tangled his fingers in the wolf's fur and they disappeared.
Lance began to panic until Kosmo came back and pushed his nose against Lance's hand. Doing what Keith did, he grasped Kosmo's fur.
Seconds later he found himself in the astronomy tower. Keith sat on the floor looking out the window, Molly in front of him standing with her hands against the glass.
Lance went and sat on the floor, his back against the glass, facing Keith. He was relieved to see Keith hadn't gone to do something to himself.
Kosmo returned again, this time with Shiro and Adam, then with Pidge and Hunk, and finally with Jorge and Maria. Kosmo lay down next to Keith, and Molly instantly turned and fell against the huge wolf and giggled as he hugged him.
Kosmo had brought everyone he sensed his master was closest to in his time of need.
‘Why is everything in my life a lie?' asked Keith. ‘I mean seriously, who in a past life did I piss off so badly?’
‘I'm sorry we didn't tell you when last night,' Adam said.
‘I'm angry you didn't,' said Keith, ‘but I also understand why. Honestly, I'm more angry with these,' he said pointing to the Altean marks on his face. ‘I fucking glow in the dark.’
That earned a chuckle from the others.
'Watch your language,’ Shiro sighed.
Keith turned around and sat next to Lance, while the others made themselves comfortable on the cushions.
‘So, no plans to go off with Allura to repopulate New Altea?' asked Pidge.
From the corner of his eye, Keith sees Lance look away.
‘No,’ said Keith. He took Lance's hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘I have no interest in her. Everything I want is right here.’
Lance turned back to him and gave him a small smile.
Jorge cleared his throat. ‘What happens when they leave for New Altea tomorrow?' he asked. ‘Will you be leaving again?'
Lance's smile fell from his face. Keith knew the last thing Lance would want was to leave his family again, and it was the last thing he would make him do.
‘We won't be,' Keith said.
Lance's eyes widened. ‘But, Keith...’ he began.
‘I'm tired of fighting,' said Keith. ‘And I want to bring Molly up on Earth, send her to school and not have her in danger.'
‘Well, I'm not going if you aren't,' Pidge said.
‘Neither am I,’ Hunk said.
‘I guess they need all new paladins,' Shiro said. Adam couldn't have looked happier at Shiro's words.
Keith was surprised how calm he felt about the decision. Of course, he would be sad to leave Red, but he knew it was time.

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