Contacting Earth

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Keith stood and suddenly found himself sandwiched between Shiro and Adam as they hugged him. Molly, who was being held by Shiro snuggled against Keith.
Lance laughed and went over to them. ‘I think you better let him go before he starts panicking.’
Both Shiro and Adam chuckled, but let him go.
‘Go and get cleared up and get something to eat,’ said Shiro. ‘We'll look after Molly a bit longer.’
‘You do know you'll have to give her back at some stage,’ Keith said, deadpan.
‘Maybe,’ Shiro said, slowly.
Keith rolled his eyes. ‘You're hopeless.’
Lance took his hand and lead him to their room, in silence. Keith glance across at Lance and saw he was flighting the tears in his eyes.
When the door closed, Keith turned to Lance and pulled him into a hug. Lance instantly hugged him back tight and his shoulders shook as his cried.
‘It's okay, sweetheart,' murmured Keith, ‘everything’s fine now.’
'I…I...almost...lost you,’ Lance sobbed.
‘But you didn't, you saved me.’ Keith rubbed Lance’s back as his sobs began to calm down.
‘I'm...sorry…we…had to…hurt you,' Lance said.
‘I know you had to do it to help me,’ said Keith, ‘I don't blame you for anything.’ He stepped back and took Lance's face in his hands. ‘Let's get ready to go to Earth.’
Keith wiped Lance's tears away and gave a cheeky grin. ‘Want to have a shower with me?' asked Keith.
Lance nodded and Keith lead him to the bathroom. While Lance turned on the shower, Keith brushed his teeth.
‘Are you still giving up the Blade?' asked Lance, as he undressed.
‘Yes, most definately. There's no way they will talking one into another mission,’ Keith said.
‘Good,’ Lance said. ‘But keep the uniform. It's pretty sexy.’
Keith laughed. ‘Fine, just for you.’
They finished undress in and stopped into the shower. Keith pulled Lance's mouth to his and they kissed as the hot water washed over them. Lance pulled his mouth away and kissed along Keith's jaw, until he reached his throat. He suck and nipped at it leaving marks along the way. Keith tipped his head back giving Lance more access.
‘Ahh...Lance...yes,’ Keith groaned. Keith's body shuddered as Lance’s hand slipped down his chest to his hard length and slowly pumped it with his hand. ‘Lance,' he whined.
Keith suddenly grabbed Lance's wrist to stop him before he lost it. Turning Keith knelt on the in build seat at the end of the shower, bringing him up to a good height for Lance. Taking a tube of lube from the shelf in the shower, Lance squeezed some onto his finger. Keith shook when Lance ran his fingers around his hole.
‘Ready?’ asked Lance.
Keith nodded, then gasped as Lance pushed a finger in. He started thrusting his finger in and out and Keith moaned at the sensation. Soon another finger was added and Keith's head dropped back.
‘Oh, fuck yes,’ he groaned.
Lance grinned and added a third finger and stretched Keith. He desparately wanted to be in Keith, but he took his time to prepare Keith properly. He finally withdrew his fingers, and Keith whimpered at the loss.
‘Hang on, baby, I'll make you feel good again in a second,’ Lance said, squeezing more lube onto his hand. He groaned as he rubbed lube on his own neglected length, then lined up with Keith's hole and slowly pushed all the way in. He waited for Keith to get used to him.
‘Okay,’ Keith said. He steadied himself by placing a his left hand on the wall next to him and his right hand on the glass of the shower on his other slide. Holding Keith's hips, Lance started to move in him.
‘You feel so good,’ moaned Lance.
Lance settled into a steady pace, immediately hitting Keith's perfect spot with each thrust. Keith lent his back against Lance's chest and lay his head back on Lance's right shoulder, biting his lower lip.
The only sound Keith could make was purring, and the vibration went through Lance's chest, and around his thrusting length.
‘ good,’ he panted. He wrapped an arm around Keith's chest to hold him steady and thrust harder, and faster. His other hand started pumping Keith's length.
‘Come on baby,’ Lance groaned as Keith's purrs became stronger. ‘Keith...aahh…I'm going to…’
Keith suddenly slammed down on Lance as they both released. ‘KEITH, YES,’ cried Lance as he came hard inside Keith. He continued thrusting into Keith as the both rode out their orgasms.
Lance shifted his hips and pulled out of Keith, but wrapped both arms around him and held him until Keith could catch his breath.
‘Oh my god,' muttered Keith. ‘That was fucking amazing.‘
Lance smiled as he planted soft I kissed on Keith's shoulder, and run his hands slowly over Keith's chest and abdomen. He was alive and back in his arms where he belonged.
‘I love you,' Lance murmured in Keith’s ear, ‘please don't ever leave me.'
‘I won't,’ Keith said. Lance stepped back as Keith moved off the seat and turned to him.
‘I love you, too, and I'm not going anywhere,’ Keith assured him.
The moment was broken when Keith stomach gave a loud rumble.
Lance chuckled. ‘Let's get you fed,’ Lance said.
Ten minutes later, showered and dressed, they made their way down to the dining room.
As soon as they walked through the door, Hunk hurried into the kitchen and came back with two plates of food loaded with eggs, bacon and toast, along with two cups of coffee.
Keith looked at the second plate and realised Lance probably hadn't been looking after himself.
‘Thanks, Hunk,’ Keith said.
‘I guessed you'd be hungry,’ said Hunk. ‘And this idiot didn't look after himself.’
‘Hey,’ Lance protested.
‘I figured that,' Keith said.
Lance pouted. ‘Is that how you talk to someone who was worried about you?’ he asked.
‘And how was starring yourself going to help me?’ asked Keith.
‘Shut up,' Lance muttered.
When they'd eaten their fill, they went to the control room with Hunk and found the others waiting for them. Keith went and took Molly from Shiro and she cuddled into him.
‘Are we ready?' asked Allura.
‘Let's do this,' Shiro said, and the others nodded.
A few rings after the call was put through, Commander Iverson came up on the screen. He opened his mouth to say something then froze as he stared at the screen.
‘Commander,' Shiro said.
‘Shiro, how?' asked Iverson.
‘That’s a long story, Commander,’ said Shiro. ‘We are currently on the edge of the galaxy and need permission to land near the base.’
‘We?' asked Iverson.
Shiro moved aside to show the others.
‘Damn,' Iverson muttered.
Shiro eyed him. ‘Commander, is something wrong?' he asked.
‘I'm sorry,' said Iverson, 'after two years…you were…all declaired…dead.’
‘Our families think we're dead?’ asked Lance, distraught.
‘We had...I mean...we assumed...’ stuttered Iverson. ‘You have permission to land near the base.’
‘We'll be there in 10 minutes,’ Shiro said.
‘From the edge of the galaxy?'
‘We'll explain when we get there,’ Shiro said, and Allura ended the transmission.
Allura quickly opened a wormhole and brought the ship out over Earth, and descended to the coordinates Shiro had given her earlier.
As soon as the castle landed, Shiro fIung the doors open and ushured Iverson in, and lead him to the control room. He locked between them all in amazement.
‘Your families have all been notified,’ said Iverson, ’but it will take time to arrange passage home for you all.’
‘There will be no need for that,’ said Allura. ‘Palladins, take the lions. You have three days to spend with your families.’
‘Commander, this is Princess Allura of the Altean people, and her royal advisor Coran,’ Shiro said.
‘Princess,' Iverson said, with a nod of his head.
‘Commander, welcome to the Castle of Lions,’ Allura said.
‘Lions?' asked Iverson.
‘I will explain as soon as the others have left,’ Shiro said.
It took them less than twenty minutes to change and pack, and take to the air in their lions, and head out to see their families. Keith followed Lance to his families home, nervous as he glanced down at Molly playing between his feet.

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