The Past

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The next morning, Keith was glad to get back to his room and shower to get rid of the remaining blood from his skin. A few minutes after he went into the shower, Lance joined him.
‘Let me do your back,’ Lance said.
Keith handed him the sponge and turned around.
‘Are you going to talk to Krolia?’ asked Lance.
‘I don't know yet,' murmured Keith. ‘If she's still here, I probably can't avoid her.'
They finished showering, dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Keith smiled when he saw Shiro holding Molly and feeding her waffles.
Molly saw Keith and held out her arms to him.
'Da,’ she said.
‘Oh my god,' cried Lance, ‘her first word.’
Keith took her from Shiro.
‘Hey little girl,’ Keith said.
'Da,’ she said again.
Keith sat next to Shiro who chuckled at the grin on the young man's face. Lance joined Keith and drapped an arm over his boyfriend’s shoulders and grinned at Molly.
‘I can't believe she finally spoke,’ said Lance, ‘that's so cool.’
Pidge laughed. ‘And I got her first word on video,’ she said.
‘No way,' Lance said.
‘Yep,’ she said.
Lance's data pad dinged as Pidge sent it to him.
‘Yay,' Lance squealed.
Keith laughed at him. Keith's and Lance's smiles faulted when Krolia came in. Shiro frowned at the sudden changed in the the young men.
‘We should talk, Keith,’ she said.
‘No,’ Keith said.
‘I need to explain…’ she started.
'I heard enough yesterday,' Keith snapped, ‘I don't want to hear any more.'
‘Keith?’ asked Shiro.
‘I don't want to talk about it,’ Keith said. He handed Molly to Lance and stood. ‘I'm going to train.'
‘Keith, no,' snapped Shiro, ‘Coran said no training for a few days.’
‘I'm fine,' Keith said.
Shiro sprang to his feet and hurried to block Keith leaving.
‘You had to be revived, your heart stopped, you're not strong enough to train,’ Shiro said.
‘Fine, just let me out at here,’ Keith said agitated.
Krolia joined Shiro.
‘We need to talk,' she insisted.
‘What part of no are you not understanding?’ asked Keith. ‘I don't want to hear about it.‘
‘I was going to tell you, I was waiting for the right time,' Krolia said.
‘That doesn't make it any better,' Keith snapped.
‘I don't see the problem,' she said, ‘I left you with your father.’
‘You say that like it's a good thing,' Keith said.
‘Why wouldn't it be?’ she asked. ‘Human males have the ability to look after their children.'
‘ONLY IF THEY WANT THEM,' yelled Keith. ‘That piece of shit you left me with didn't want me. He was a drunk who beat me, and abandoned me, who hated my very existance.'
‘Beat you?' asked Shiro. ‘No, what are you saying.'
Adam was on his feet, his hands shaking.
‘You heard me. And her,' he said pointing at Krolia, ‘left me there because I looked human. Galra in heat were sent to Earth to get pregnant so they could build an army against Zarkon. Human looking kids were taken back, and those who looked Galra were kept. I'm not fucking wanted by two different races.'
He pushed past Krolia and Shiro and left, leaving the room silent as they processed what he said. Lance handed Molly to Adam and ran after Keith and caught up with him as he went into their room.
‘FUCK,’ yelled Keith, slamming his fists against the wall. He lent his forearms and forehead on the wall.
Lance moved over to him and hugged him from behind, worried Keith would push him away.
‘What's wrong with me?' Keith asked, quietly.
‘Nothing,’ said Lance. ‘You are perfect in every way.’
Keith gave a harsh laugh. ‘Lies.’
‘Truth,' said Lance. ‘You're just someone who took time to find people who appreciates you. Shiro, Adam, me and Molly love you, for you. The good, the bad, and the grumpy.’
This time Keith's laugh was one of humour. ‘Idiot,' he said.
‘And you love me for it,’ Lance said.
‘Yes, I do,’ Keith said. He turned around in Lance's arms and lay his head on his shoulder.
There was a soft knock at the door.
‘Go away,' Keith said.
Instead, the door opened and Shiro came in with Adam and Molly.
‘I said go away,' Keith grumbled.
'You know I'm not going to do that,' said Shiro. ‘You can't drop a bombshell like that and expect us to igore it.'
‘Keith,' said Adam, 'We're not just your parents on paper. We couldn’t love you more, even if you were our biological son.'
‘I know,’ Keith muttered, 'and I love you both.‘
Keith reluctantly pulled away from Lance and sat on the bed next to Shiro.
‘You never told anyone you were beaten,’ Shiro said.
Keith shook his head. ‘I always assumed it was my fault, and I deserved it, and no-one wants a kid who's broken.’
‘Oh, Keith,' sighed Shiro, ‘you're not broken.‘
‘Everybody's a little bit broken,’ Keith said. He hesitated a moment, then retrieved a piece of paper from a pouch on his belt and handed it to Shiro.
‘What's this?' asked Shiro.
‘The note Frank wrote when he left,’ Keith said. He'd never showen it to anyone, and wasn't ever sure why he'd kept it.

I don't know why that thing of a mother thought I'd ever want you.
You have done nothing but ruin my life since the day I found you left in my house. I can't even call it my home any more because everytime I see you or something of yours, a cold shiver races down my spine and makes me want to throw up.
I would have slit you throat with the blade that was left for you, but I can't get it out of the sheath. You always look so happy, even though I'm dying inside. I soon wiped the smile off your face with my fist. The least you can do is be as miserable as me.
It's your fault I drink, that I lost my job, and my friends. I was going to get married, then you turned up and she dumped me a month before the wedding.
You will go through life being a disappointment to everyone you meet, and will end up ruining their lives as well. I pity all those who cross your path.
I have no doubt you will end up in a gutter dead by the time you're 16, but I can't wait that long.
What's left in the house is yours.

Shiro's hand shook as he handed the note to Adam.
Keith stood and took Molly from him and hugged her as the note was passed around the room. He would never make Molly feel anything but loved, and that she could do anything she set her mind to. He would never raise a hand to her in anger and he would always be there for her no matter what she did.
Shiro watched as Keith hugged Molly to himself, he seemed frozen to the spot as tears slid down his pale cheeks. The angry boy had grown into a loving man, and that was thanks to a goofball who never gave up on him.
Lance was the final one to read the letter. When he was done he folded it back up and wrent and stood in front of Keith.
‘Baby, you don't need to keep these lies with you,’ he said softly.
Keith opened his eyes and looked up at him.
‘No, I don't,' said Keith. ‘Throw it away. I worried I'd end up like him if I ever had children, but I could never hurt Molly, I just want her to have the best life we could possible give her.’
Lance stepped forwardand wrapped his arms around both of them. As he did, he handed the note to Shiro to dispose of.
Shiro and Adam stood. ‘We'll see you at breakfast,’ Shiro said.

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