Garrison School

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Keith was sick again the next morning and didn't get up until everyone had gone to work and school. Jorge and Marco had drafted resignation letters the previous night and took them into work, both giving a weeks notice.

When Maria heard the boys get up and go in the shower, she cooked them breakfast and it was on the table by the time they came down.

'I'll let Shiro know we'll be there in about half an hour,' Keith said, pulling out his datapad.

Jaya scrambled up onto the chair next to Keith. 'Dad,' he said, tentatively.

'Yes, little man,' Keith said turning to him.

A huge grin split Jaya face. 'Can I come and see grandad.'

'Sure, why don't we take Molly too.'

Jaya nodded. 'I'll get her bag.' He jumped down from the chair and hurried upstairs.

'Keith, when will Jaya be tested to see where he sits in the pack?' asked Maria.

'In about two months he will be mature enough to find out,' said Keith. 'I'll take him to the base to find out.'

'At what age does a full Galran go through their first heat?' asked Lance.

'By the time he's 4 years old he will be the equivalent of and Earth 16 year old,' said Keith. 'It can start any time around then.'

'And if he doesn't have a partner when it starts?' asked Lance.

'It's a long painful process,' said Keith. 'Having a partner lessens the overall symptoms of a heat. If he's an alpha, the scent of a beta or omega will trigger his mating instincts and start his heat. I don't want him to mate someone while in a frenzy if it can be helped.'

Maria frowned. 'What happens if he marks someone while in this frenzy?'

'It would mean they would be bound. Galran mate for life,' said Keith. 'If he rejects who he marks because he doesn't love them, it leaves them unable to be marked or mated again.'

'So if, god forbid, something happened to Lance, you can't have another partner?' asked Maria.

'Correct,' Keith said.

'I...I didn't know that,' murmured Lance. 'You would have to go through your heat alone?' Keith nodded. 'That's why Krolia was so angry when she found out we mated. Why didn't you tell me this.'

'Would it have made a difference?' asked Keith, quietly.

'No, I don't suppose it would have. I would have let you mate and mark me anyway,' he admitted. 'If Jaya is omega, does that mean his partner has to be a male?'

'No, an alpha female can impregnate a male.'

'I got the bag,' called Jaya. 'I'm going to play with Molly.'

'Okay,' Keith called back.

' does a female do that exactly?' asked Lance.

'You really want me to give you a Galran anatomy lesson?'

'Well, considering your pregnant, and they may be more Galran than human or Altean, I think I'd better know.'

'Point taken,' said Keith. 'Um, well, I guess the easiest way to explain it is, when a female alpha goes into heat and wants to mate, a penis comes out her vagina.'

Lance and Maria started at him.

'I'm not sure if I'm appalled or intrigued,' Lance said.

Keith laughed. 'It takes some getting used to the idea.' Keith looked at his watch. 'We better get going.'

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