Visiting Home

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Keith and Lance landed their lions in the field near the McClain house, and Keith watched Lance run out of Blue, dropping his helmet on the ground, and run into the waiting arms of his family. There were tears and cried of joy as the Mcclain clan were reunited with someone they thought was dead.
Keith gave them some time before he picked up Molly and stepped out of red lion and waited.
Everyone was talking at once, all taking turns asking questions and hugging him.
‘Nos dijeron que estabas muerto (We were told you were dead)’ his mother said, taking his face in her hands and staring up at him.
'Lo siento mamá, no saben que estábamos a salvo (I'm sorry mama they didn't know we were safe),’ Lance said.
Maria looked past her son to the young man who held a toddler in his arms.
'Hijo, quien es ese? (Son, who is that)’ ask Maria.
Lance turned to Keith and grinned and motioned him over.
‘Mama, Papa, this is my fiance, Keith and our daughter, Molly,’ Lance said.
Keith pulled his helmet off.
‘Mr and Mrs McCIain,’ Keith said, giving a nod of his head.
Mr McClain frowned. ‘Fiance, daughter?’ he asked confused.
‘Come, inside,' Mrs McClain ordered.
Lance picked up his helmet and they followed them inside.
'Luis, take Leo and Rachel upstairs,’ said Mr McClain.
‘Yes, papa,’ said the younger boy.
Once they were gone Keith and Lance became the centre of attention.
‘Keith, this is Marco, my older brother, and Veronica my twin sister,’ Lance said.
‘Hi,’ Keith said. He was starting to get nervous at the way he was being looked at.
Lance put his helmet on the chair and took Keith's from him and placed it next to his. He removed his upper armour because it was getting hot, and took Molly from Keith so he could do the same.
Mrs McClain saw their rings and moved forward and took their hands. She looked at Keith and was amazed at the colour of his eyes.
A smile pulled at her lips. ‘Jorge, come see,’ she said.
Mr McClain came forward and looked at the rings.
'Sabía que era gay. Amo a Keith con todo mi corazón,’ said Lance. 'Los padres de Molly eran seres humanos asesinados por la Galra, le prometimos a su madre moribunda que la criaríamos. Esta es mi familia, y los traje aquí para conocerlos (You knew I was gay. I love Keith with all my heart,’ Lance said. ‘Molly's parents were humans murdered by the Galra, we promised her dying mother that we would raise her. This is my family, and I brought them here to meet you).’
‘Do you speak spanish, Keith?’ asked Mrs McCIain.
‘Sorry, no I don't,’ he replied.
She cuffed Lance around the ear.
‘Mama,’ he whined.
‘Speak english if your fiance doesn't understand spanish,’ she said. ‘You can call me Maria,' she said to Keith, ‘and this is Jorge.’
It was obvious that Lance's mother was the head of the house hold.
She was a bit shorter than Keith, plump but not fat and she had a warm motherly look to her, and Jorge was a tall and thin as Lance.
‘Did you bring a bag for the baby, or yourselves?' asked Maria.
‘I left them in Blue,’ Lance said.
‘I'll go and get them,’ Keith said, handing Molly to Lance.
‘Only you could fly around in space for two years and end up with a fiance and a baby,’ Marco laughed. He came over and gave his brother a hug. ‘I can't believe you're here. We buried you and we mourned you.’ Marco stepped back from Lance and looked at him. ‘You look older and some how wiser.’
Lance gave a sad smile. 'I guess war will do that.’
Veronica snorted. 'You want us to believe you've been at war all this time?’
Keith came back in.
‘Why would I lie about it?’ asked Lance. ‘And unless you missed them, there are two alien ships shaped as lions sitting in the front yard.‘
‘Come, we will sit and talk,’ said Maria, motioning to the dining table.
Lance took the bag from Keith and handed Molly back to him.
‘I'll just put these bottles in the fridge,’ Lance said. Putting the bag on the floor, Lance put Molly's bottles in the fridge, except for one he warned in the microwave.
Maria watch him with interest. He came back to the table and handed the bottle to Keith, then moved his seat closer to him before sitting down.
‘How long has Molly been with you?’ asked Maria.
‘Two months,’ said Lance. ‘We came across an Earth ship. Everyone was dead except for Molly and her mother, but her mother was badly hurt and died in my arms.’
'Start at the beginning and tell us what has been going on for the last two years,’ Maria said.
Between the two of them they related the story of their life over the last two years. They omitted the part about Keith being Galra for the moment.
‘That is an incredible story,’ Jorge said.
Veronica sat across from them with a frown on her face as she studied Keith. He was very hardsome, and the suit be wore under his armour was right in all the right places. She couldn't help wonder why he was with her idiot of a brother, and how did he get that scar on the right side of his face, at least that’s what she assumed it was.
Lance noticed Molly had fallen asleep in Keith's arms.
'Mama, do you still have the cot up in the spare room?’ asked Lance.
‘Yes, Why don't you and Marco move it into your room,’ said Maria. ‘I will find blankets for later tonight when it gets cooler.'
‘Why move the cot?’ asked Veronica. ‘Keith will be in the spare room, he can look after her.'
‘I'm sure Keith would be more comfortable in Lance's room with him,’ Maria said.
Veronica frowned. ‘But, mama…’ she began.
‘Oh, Veronica, stop fussing,' Maria said.
Soon, the cot was moved and Molly sound asleep in it, and they knew nothing would wake her now.
‘I need to get out of this armour before I melt,' said Lance. ‘Mama, we're going to get changed.‘
Keith and Lance collected their discared armour from the loungeroom and took it up to Lance's room.
They dumped the armour on the floor in the corner and removed the rest of it. They'd stripped off the top part of their suits when Maria and Jorge walked in with two mugs of coffee in milk jug and sugar in their hands. Maria looked at the scars that adored their muscular bodies and slowly moving into the room, she placed the mugs on the desk. Jorge closed the door and placed the milk jug and sugar on the desk as well.
‘Seeing these make your words all to real,' murmured Maria. ‘We can't imagine what you went through to get them.’
‘Don't cry, mama,' Lance said. He wiped the tears from her face with his fingers. When he looked at his father he was shocked to see him crying as well. It was something he had never seen before.
Maria turned to Keith and gently touched the mark on the right side of his face, that extended down his throat and over his shoulder.
‘I thought this was a scar, but it's not,’ Maria said.
‘No,' said Keith. He glanced at Lance worried, and looked down at his hands a moment. ‘Um...we didn't…tell you everything.’
‘Keith,’ Lance said, worried.
‘We need to be truthful with your parents,’ Keith said.
Lance studied Keith a moment.
‘Mama, papa, can you sit for a moment,’ said Lance. His parent sat on the bed and waited. ‘First off, I want you to know how much I love you both, but if you can't accept Keith, I will walk out of here for good.’
‘Lance, no,’ Keith said.
‘Yes', he said, taking Keith's hand and giving it a squeeze, then turning to his parents. ‘To understand some of this you need to understand who Keith is, his background.’
‘Um…,’ said Keith. ‘I never knew my mother, and my father never told me anything about her. When I was 8 my father abandoned me and I went into foster care. Shiro and Adam took me in and then adopted me.’ He shifted uncomfortably. ‘I found out after we left Earth that I am only half human.’ His heart raced as he looked at Lance. ‘My…mother is…Galra, and this mark on my face is a sign of my Galra side.’
‘Then, Galra look human? asked Jorge.
‘Not exactly,' said Lance. Squeezing Keith's hand he said, ‘it's okay.'
There were shocked gasps as Keith changed into his Galra form.
‘Being half human, Keith is a lot smaller than the average Galra,’ Lance said.
‘My mother, Krolia, is part of a resistance organisation called the Blade of Mamora. They work to bring to Galra empire down from inside their ranks. I joined them for a time, before coming back to Voltron.’
Maria and Jorge noticed Keith's fangs as he spoke.
Maria stood slowly, and went over to Keith.
‘So purple,’ she murmured. She touched his arm and found his skin felt like soft suede.
Keith stood still as Maria, and then Jorge, came and checked him over, both eyeing him in wonder.
Lance reached out and rubbed Keith's large furry ear while he was distracted, making him purr. Keith clamped his clawed hands over his mouth and glared at Lance.
Maria chuckled, and Jorge grinned.
Keith changed back and dropped his hands. ‘Not funny,' he pouted.
'It was a little,’ Lance said.
Keith frowned at Maria and Jorge. ‘You're not scared?'
‘It's a shock,' said Jorge, ‘there's no denying that, but we trust Lance, and we thank you for being honest with us.’
Keith let out a sudden squeak when Maria pulled him into her embrace. ‘From now on, we are your family, and you call us mama and papa,’ she said. ‘Now, change and have your coffee, I'm going down to make dinner.’
‘Mama, do you think we could invite Shiro and Adam to dinner as well?’ asked Lance.
‘Of course,’ she nodded. ‘8pm.'

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