Feeling Hot

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It was 6pm when they finally landed back home.

'Tell mama, we'll be in soon,' Lance told Marco as he and Veronica exited the ship.

Once they were gone, he closed the doors and turned to Keith who leant against the control panel.

'Come on, baby,' he said. He went and took Keith's hand and lead him into the small bedroom of the ship and closed the door.

It was almost 7pm when they finally went inside, after spending some time laying in each other's arms to relax.

Maria was in the kitchen preparing dinner, while Jorge tried to feed a grumpy Enya at the table. When she saw Keith, her eyes practically lit up and she reached out to him.

'Are you being fussy?' asked Keith as he picked her up. She curled up against his shoulder and sniffled a bit and clung to his t-shirt.

'I think she was scared you'd left her,' said Jorge. 'She refused to eat the whole time you've been gone.'

Keith sat and took the bottle from Jorge and popped it in her mouth, and she ate hungrily.

'You both look tired,' Maria said.

'It's been a long day,' said Lance. 'I'm going to grab a quick shower.' He leant down and kissed Keith.

'Dad, papa,' Jaya cried as he ran down the stairs.'

'Hey, little man,' said Lance picking him up. 'You been good.'

'Aha.' He nodded.

'Excellent. You want to come and have a shower with me?' asked Lance. Jaya nodded again and Lance put him down. 'Go grab your towel and pajamas. Baby, when you're done feeding her come up and she can have a shower.'

'Okay. Where's Molly?'

'She's up with Rachel,' said Jorge. 'They had a bath together not long ago and are in their pajamas.'

'Excellent,' Lance said as the headed upstairs.

By the time Keith went upstairs, Lance and Jaya were out of the shower and dressed. Jaya in his pajamas and Lance in his shorts.

Jaya ran out of the bathroom and downstairs to watch television.

'I swear, that kid doesn't know how to walk,' said Lance. 'He runs everywhere.'

Keith laughed and handed Enya to him as he undressed. Lance took her onesie off and handed her back to Keith after he stepped into the shower.

Enya's eyes widened, she grinned, looked up and tried to catch the drops with her tiny hands.

Lance grabbed his datapad and recorded it, making sure he only got Keith's top half, then sent it to Shiro and Adam.

Once she was bathed, Lance wrapped her in a towel and took her to her bedroom to dress her.

When Keith finished showering, he found Lance cuddling the sleeping kit.

Keith came in a slipped an arm around Lance's waist and rested his head against his shoulder.

'She's so cute,' Lance said.

'Mmm, she is,' agreed Keith. 'But she's starting to grow now.'

'It's too fast,' Lance sighed, placing her in the cot. He turned around and hugged Keith. 'I can't wait to meet the twins.'

Keith chuckled. He stepped back and frowned.

'You feel very warm,' he said, laying his hand on Lance's forehead.

'I feel okay, probably just from the shower,' Lance said.


They went to the bedroom and pulled on clean clothes before going downstairs for dinner.

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