Another Mission

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When Lance and Adam returned to the others they brought dessert with them. Adam went and gave cupcakes to the kids as they watched the movie.
‘You okay?' asked Keith, concerned.
‘I'm fine,’ Lance said. He leant over and kissed Keith. ‘You don't need to worry.'
Adam came back with Molly asleep in his arms.
‘Keith, you want to put these two to bed?' asked Adam.
Keith nodded and followed Adam inside, and they rejoined them a short time later.
Now that Esther and Roberto were gone, they all felt they could finally relax. Jorge moved the two extra chairs out of the way so the 8 adults could sit comfortably at the table.
The Paladin's datapads all dinged at once as a message came through. They checked the message and were on their feet.
‘See you at the Castle,' Shiro said, and hurried to Black with Adam. He needed to go home and get his armour.
Lance kissed Keith. ‘See you there.’
Keith ran to his Blade ship, while Lance went in to get changed.
His family watched Lance come back and leave in Blue.
At the Castle everyone met in the control room, and Allura piloted the Castle into space and opened a wormhole.
‘Where are we going?' asked Pidge.
Allura and Coran looked at each other.
‘We received a distress sigal from a planet,’ said Allura. ‘Volcanic activity is putting them in danger.'
‘A distress signal from who?’ asked Shiro.
Allura piloted the Castle through the wormhole and they came out above a familiar planet.
‘Nope,' said Lance, ‘there is no way in hell, I'm helping the Okarians.’
'They've moved those in the vacinity of the volcano to other parts of the planet,’ said Allura. ‘The royal family are trapped in the palace…’
‘And they can stay there,' Lance snapped.
‘We need to help anyone who requests it,’ retorted Allura. ‘Voltron is used for the good of all, and not just chose you think deserves it.’
Keith turned to Shiro. ‘I'll go.’
‘Pidge, go with him,' said Shiro. ‘Lance, stay here with Hunk and monitor the volcanic activity. I'll go and see if anyone needs help.’
‘But…’ Lance said, looking at Keith with a pained expression.
‘We'll get this done and go home. You don't need to come to the planet,' Keith said.
Lance watched Keith leave with Pidge. Allura glared at him.
‘Come on, buddy,' said Hunk, pulling him over to his console with him.
Lance stands behind Hunk's chair and he can practically feel Allura's eyes bore into him, and she muttered angrily under her breath.
How could Keith not be scared of going near them again after what happened the last time? Did that make him a coward?
He watched the other three work as he stood here useless on in the Castle doing nothing. It wasn't like Hunk needed his help with anything.
For an hour Shiro, Keith and Pidge moved people to safety, and were on their way back to the Castle with wounded.
‘Oh no said Hunk. ‘There's a group of people trapped by rising lava.'
‘Where?' asked Lance.
Hunk pointed to the screen at families huddled together as lava rose up around them.
‘The others are headed back with wounded,' said Lance. ‘Come on, we'll take yellow down and get them.’
‘Finally,’ Allura muttered under her breath as they left.
Hunk flew them down to the position, and landed close to the group. Lance jumped out yellow's mouth and motioned them to hurry.
‘That's it,' said Lance, ‘everyone in.’
A young man with an injured leg fell down, and Lance ran to him, picked him up and handed him up to his family.
‘Ok Hunk,' called Lance, stepping it into yellow.
Lance made sure they hadn't left anyone behind, then turned to head back to the cockpit. A woman rushed forward and pushed him on the chest sending him falling from yellow's mouth.
‘LANCE,’ yelled Hunk, when he saw him hit the ground.
Keith: What happened?
‘Lance fell,' Hunk said.
Shiro: Hunk, bring your passengers to the Castle, Keith and I are on our way.
Halfway back to the Castle, Black lion shot past Hunk on the way to the surface.
Keith stood behind Shiro, searching for Lance.
‘There,' said Keith, pointing.
The lava was getting closer to his unconcious mate.
‘The lava's rising fast,' said Shiro, 'grab Lance and let's go.'
As they came in, Black opened his mouth and Keith stood in the opening.
Lance's eyes fluttered open when Keith knelt next to him.
‘Baby,' he said, softly. ‘I only wanted to help, but she pushed me out.’ Tears rolled from his eyes.
Keith's anger flared. ‘It's okay, sweetheart,’ said Keith, keeping his voice soft and calm.
Lance coughed and blood ran from his mouth.
‘I think I'm a bit broken,’ Lance said.
Shiro: Keith we need to go.
Keith glanced at the lava around them, and pulled off his gloves and helmet, then removed Lance's heImet.
In the Castle control room, Allura brought them up on screen.
Keith placed one hand on the ground and the other he cupped Lance's cheek.
The planets quintessence towed around them. Their eyes and marking glowed.
The lava stopped flowing, and turned black and the volcano settled.
‘What is this magic?' breathed Odana.
‘Keith is an Ancient Altean,’ said Coran, 'and he's healing his mate, and stopping the volcano for destroying any more of your world.'
‘That half breed, pervert...' began Odana.
‘Just saved you and your people,' said Pidge, ‘why did you call for Voltron when you knew Keith and Lance were gay?'
‘I do not answer to you,' Odana said.
‘Answer the question,' Allura said.
‘Because no-one else would come,' Odana, ground out.
Allura stared at the screen as Keith finished healing Lance. Shiro landed Black and went and picked up Lance when he passed out. Keith managed to stay conciouss this time, but he looked shaky on his feet.
‘Once your people are healed,' said Allura, ‘Pidge and Hunk will return you to your planet. Until then, please confine yourselves to the medical bay.’
‘This way, Princess Odana,' Coran said.
Odana was taken to the med bay as Shiro landed at the Castle.
Keith picked up Lance and took him to ther room and immediately locked the door. He lay Lance on the bed, as he came around.
‘Let's not take our honeymoon here,' Lance said, sitting up.
Keith grinned. ‘I'm with you on that.' He sat on the edge of the bed, and his grin faded. ‘Why did you go down with Hunk?’
‘I didn't want to be seen as a coward. Allura was angry, and…’ Lance shrugged.
‘And?' asked Keith.
‘I felt I was letting the team down,’ said Lance. ‘I watched you fly off with Pidge, and I was annoyed. Annoyed that I wasn't with you, annoyed that I let my fear stop me, when you just got on with the job.'
‘You're not a coward,’ said Keith, 'and don't let anyone tell you any different.’
‘Baby, why did they get us to come here when they’re meant to have superior ships?' asked Lance.
Keith frowned. ‘That's an excellent question. I didn't see any ships at all.’
Standing, Keith turned to the door and collapsed.

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