Chapter 246

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What do you mean, Shura? This is it.

An Yinong, who knew his manners so well, was afraid to greet the Rosses when he entered or the Mericans first.

"Chu, my dear friend, didn't you say our animal companions could come to you with any questions? Here we are." The captain of Team Ross came up for a bear hug.

"Hello, Mr. Chu." On the other hand, the captain of the Beautiful Cards was a severe and somewhat priggish man.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I already know why you're here." An Yinong greeted them and got to the point.

"If you guys are asking if I can help mutated animals evolve. No, I can't help any of the animals grow. But I can help sort out their confusion and bewilderment.

No one in the room was a fool, and they understood An Yinong's painted message: he could assist from the sidelines, but the mutant animals still had to rely on themselves if they wanted to make a breakthrough.

While they were pondering, An Yinong had already sat down with the animals.

These big guys didn't need to be greeted by their owners and automatically came over to kiss, hug, and raise their heads.

Animals had no concept of home and country, and they were more relaxed than their owners. An Yinong chatted with the animals, learning about their recent problems and what they wanted their owners to know.

He gives the owners feedback on their problems, such as an owner who likes heavy metal rock, but his animal doesn't like it because it's too hard to sing and mentally damaging.

Another owner likes to hug and kiss his wolf after drinking vodka, and the wolf says that the smell makes him a candidate for elimination from the marriage market - if you love him, stay away from him.

These animals howled beside each other, indicating what An Yinong said was true. Embarrassed and amused, the two national team members asked many questions, and An Yinong answered them.

"After this competition, I wonder if there's a chance to talk again?" The captain of the Beautiful Card team suddenly extended an invitation.

"I'm going back home. My boyfriend is still waiting for me at home." An Yinong declined, "Perhaps you guys would like to personally experience the beauty and passion of China across the ocean?"

Captain Beautiful Card, invited in turn, thought for a few seconds, "I've been curious about Huaxia for a long time."

But he didn't say whether he would come, and this matter could be big or small. He alone needed help to decide.

On the contrary, Team Ross said they would play in Huaxia. An Yinong immediately said that he could be a guide. He knew a lot of delicious restaurants.

After jerking all the critters around, An Yinong sent them away, before and after less than an hour.

They both knew that this meeting would be challenging, not just because a third person was present but also because there was more than just a simple owner and owner between them.

Relationships between countries and nations needed to be simplified.

I heard that the upper echelons were on the verge of fighting over creating a mutant animal rescue federation, with everyone wanting to be the boss and hold the power of speech.

This was also why Chinese officials had recently publicized An Yinong in a high profile.

Huaxia has always needed to improve at public opinion wars. Still, the black panther incident was too newsworthy, and it convinced the whole world that Huaxia's officials respect and protect mutant animals.

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