Chapter 4

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

"Kids wake up. Breakfast is on the table," I heard a female voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them.

I looked around and noticed Madison was asleep in my lap.

We must have fallen asleep on the couch last night.

Madison's eyes fluttered open and she looked right up at me.

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily.

"I don't know but it's morning. I think your mom made us breakfast," I said.

Madison sat up and yawned with a stretch.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I went and took a leak then brushed my teeth with my finger.

After I was done Madison took her turn in the bathroom as I went to sit down at the breakfast table.

"Good morning Ms. Johnson," I said.

"Good morning Mason. I see you and Madison had a late night. You two watch some good movies?" she asked.

"Yeah," I smiled.

Madison's mom has always been so nice to me. She is like a second mother to me honestly.

I started eating the breakfast she cooked and a few minutes later Madison joined me at the kitchen table.

"So you two have plans today?" Ms. Johnson asked.

"Not really," Madison said.

"Well you know you two are always free to hang out here. At least when you're here I know you both are safe," Ms. Johnson said.

"Thanks mom," Madison said.

"You're welcome sweetheart. Well you two eat up while I go shower and get ready for my next shift," Ms. Johnson said.

Madison's mother left us alone and went off to shower.

"Your mom works so hard," I said.

"She does... I really admire her for never complaining about being a single mother," Madison said.

"Your mom is awesome," I said.

"Mason your mom is awesome too. Come on... just because you're mad at her doesn't mean you need to act like she's so horrible," Madison reasoned.

"I know my mom is a good mom but she's so overbearing. Like she needs to let go a little and realize I'm not a little boy anymore," I said.

"Mason don't be such a brat. You have two parents that love you, which is more than some people have... don't take that for granted," Madison reasoned.

I just nodded and kept eating my breakfast.

After breakfast I decided it was time for me to go back home and I guess face the music.

Madison and I agreed to hang out later.

My whole drive home I was hoping I could just sneak in and avoid any argument with my mother again.

When I got home I opened the garage and pulled in to park my car.

I parked my car and got out.

I locked my car from the inside so it wouldn't make noise.

I closed the garage and headed inside the house.

When I opened the door I tried to be very quiet.

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