Chapter 71

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my father pouring himself and my mother a glass of wine.

I just stood in the entryway watching them as they smiled stupidly at each other.

My parents are so in love as if the day they first laid eyes on each other. I want that one day.

I think I could have that with Deacon but there are a few things in our way. One thing being my father's disapproval and the other being that I have HIV.

"Mom... Dad," I said quietly.

My parents looked away from each other and spotted me in the entryway.

"Hi bean what's up," my mother said.

"Can I talk to you both?" I asked.

"Of course have a seat," my mother said.

My father closed the wine bottle and my mother grabbed their glasses and met me over at the kitchen table.

I took a seat and my parents sat across from me.

"What's on your mind baby girl?" my father asked.

"Is it true Deacon asked you if he could date me?" I asked.

My father took a drink of his wine and shifted in his seat.

I watched as my mother looked over at him wondering the answer to my question as well.

"Yes," my father answered.

"Is it also true you told him you disapprove of us having a relationship?" I asked.

"Yes that's true," my father admitted.

"Dad!" I said frustrated.

"Caleb really? Deacon is a nice boy. He and Cecilia would be so cute together. Why would you tell the boy you disapprove?" my mother asked.

"Because I know his father and I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," my father said.

"That's not fair to judge Deacon because of who his father is? What if people judged me or Mason because of who you are?" I asked.

My mother kind of smirked and took a sip of her wine.

"Unlike Evan I'm a faithful man committed to my family. His marriage to Deacon's mother is a shit show and he was a half ass father from what I hear as well," my father explained.

"What's that got to do with Deacon? It's not like I'm trying to date his father. Why should Deacon be judged or punished for his father's short comings?" I asked.

"She has a point babe," my mother said to my father.

"I'm trying to protect you Cecilia. You've been through a lot and I just don't want you mixed up in the Sharp family drama," my father reasoned.

"I like Deacon daddy... he asked me out and I want to date him...." I said.

"Bean your father is just being over protective. If you want to date Deacon you should. He is a good boy and I approve even if your father doesn't," my mother said.

"Wow thanks Zoe! Way to show a united front with our child?" my father scoffed.

"Caleb come on now? Your parents are great but lets not forget how you were when I met you and you were a lot older than Deacon is right now. I think we both know it's not best to judge a book by it's cover," my mother reasoned.

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