Chapter 34

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

"Thank you so much Deacon. Please keep me updated," I heard my mother say as she hung up her phone.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Breakfast was ready.

I grabbed my fork and started eating just as my father entered the kitchen.

My father sat down at the table as well as my mother brought over a cup of coffee for him.

"I just got off the phone with Deacon. He put in a good word for Cecilia at his job and they hired her as an assistant," my mother said.

My father just cleared his throat and grunted as he picked up his coffee cup.

"I'm glad I was able to get his number from Jasmine. Deacon has promised to keep me updated on Cecilia," my mother continued.

"Can I have some cream for my coffee Zoe," my father said ignoring the conversation my mother was trying to have.

"Caleb did you just hear a word I said?" my mother asked.

"You bailed Cecilia out of a decision she chose. Yes dear I heard you," my father said tensely.

"You know she moved in with that boy right?" my mother said.

"Well that is her decision. She made her choice Zoe so just drop the subject," my father said.

"Caleb I don't understand how you can be so calm about this! Our bean is out in New York living with a boy she barely knows and with no dime to her name. At least now she'll be making money but I'm not sure about her living situation. I didn't get to really talk to that boy. He seemed nice but I'm not completely sure," my mother said to my father.

"Zoey I don't want to talk about this!" my father said still tense.

"She is our only daughter! Show some concern Caleb!" my mother pushed.

"Zoey that girl walked in here and disrespected me for that low life junkie! I am not calm I am furious but Cecilia is hard headed! You don't think I know who she brought into my home! I could see right through him dear! The boy is on drugs. I could just see it in his eyes. And by the way she was acting I wouldn't be surprised if she is experimenting with substances as well," my father said.

"If you think she is doing drugs why on earth did you let her leave this house? Knowing your history why wouldn't you fight to keep her here so we could get her into a rehab or something! Caleb she is young and impressionable! We need to do something," my mother panicked.

I was just eating my breakfast as my parents clearly had this serious conversation along side me.

One thing I wondered though about their conversation was what my mother just said. What kind of history did my father have with drugs?

"You've done drugs before dad?" I asked.

My father looked at me and then gave my mother a tense glare.

"This conversation is over Zoey. Mason stay out of adult business," my father said clearly upset.

My father got up from the table.

"Caleb we need to finish talking about this," my mother pushed.

"Zoey I said drop it! Cecilia made her choice so now she will have to face the consequences! I'm going to work and when I get home I don't want to hear another word about this!" my father said sternly.

My father leaned forward to kiss my mother and she pulled away.

"I love you Zoe and trust me this tough love will teach our daughter a good life lesson," my father said.

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