Chapter 36

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was getting ready for work while Scott was still asleep.

As I put on my heels I heard his phone beep with a new text message.

I got up from the bed and took a peek at his phone on the nightstand.

I trust Scott even after our minor hiccup. But I was curious nonetheless of who was texting him this early.

I picked up his phone and read the text message.

It said...

"Great catching up with you the other night. Felt like old times... you're still the best kisser I know. Lets hang out again soon."

I was pissed reading this.

Who the hell was this whore texting my boyfriend?

I looked at the name and it said ex-bae.

"Wake up Scott!" I said loudly.

Scott groaned but didn't open his eyes.

I pulled back the covers and slapped his back waking him up.

"Scott get up!" I said again.

"Damn... Cecilia that hurt! Baby what!" Scott said in a cranky mood.

"Who the hell is ex-bae and why on earth is this person texting about how much fun they had kissing you!" I accused.

"Cecilia it's too early for this shit! Let me get some sleep," Scott said as he pulled the covers back over his body.

"How the hell do you think I feel? Wake the fuck up!" I shouted now upset he was trying to blow me off.

"Cecilia lower your damn voice! Fuck!" Scott said frustrated as he sat up.

"Who is she Scott? Is she the whore who gave you those hickeys the other night?" I accused.

"Cecilia I thought we got past that! Baby can you just stop," Scott said as he reached for me.

"Don't touch me! I want answers right now!" I demanded.

"Got Damn! Yes damn it she is the one who gave me the hickeys you fucking happy now! Now can I got back to sleep!" Scott shouted.

"You fucking asshole," I said as I threw his phone at him.

I turned my back to him and went into the bathroom.

"Don't fucking throw shit at me! It's way too early for this bullshit Cecilia!" Scott shouted.

"Oh shut up cheater!" I shouted at him as I stormed out of the bathroom.

"I was high! She was in my lap kissing on me! Nothing else happened you happy," Scott said.

He had to be kidding right.

I walked right over to Scott and crossed my arms over my chest.

"She sat in your lap kissing on you and your response is am I happy! No I'm not happy! Hey how about I go out and get high and sit in some random guy's lap and start kissing all over him. Lets see how you like that," I threatened.

"She wasn't just some random girl... she's my ex," Scott admitted.

"Oh this just keeps getting better! Does the bitch know you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Don't call her a bitch! She and I went through a lot together. She was there for me when my mom died," Scott said.

"Whatever. I have to get to work," I said angry.

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