Chapter 52

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat at the table waiting for him to arrive.

I told him seven o clock.

Maybe he got stuck in traffic or had to stay late at the office.

After ending things with Scott and making amends with Ryan. I knew there was one last person that I needed to clear the air with.

"Sorry I'm late," I heard his voice as he placed a hand to my shoulder.

I smiled as he came around and sat down in the chair across from me.

"I thought you were going to stand me up," I smiled.

"I'd never stand you up," Deacon said.

When Ryan apologized to me and we shared that kiss I felt comfort but I didn't feel the love I once felt for him.

He and I ended up spending the night talking. He even suggested I get back in school since I was one of his brightest students.

I had decided that I would start fresh with school in the fall.

I wanted to focus on work right now and figuring the rest of my life out.

"I know. You've always been mister dependable," I said.

"So you call your parents?" I asked.

"No but I booked a flight to go back home this weekend so that's why I needed us to have dinner tonight. I've been doing some reflecting and I know I owe you a huge apology. You have been a constant in my life Deacon and I've treated you like shit. I'm sorry," I said.

"You've been going through a lot it's ok," he said.

"No it's not ok. You've been here for all of it and I've pushed you away, shut you out when you didn't deserve it. I'm sorry I took our friendship for granted," I said.

Deacon nodded.

"I'm getting my marriage to Scott annulled and I've moved out of his loft," I said.

"How did he take it?" Deacon asked.

"He didn't really have a choice but to accept it. I'm going to have my father have my grandmother draw up the paperwork," I said.

"Well you'll get re-married and to the right person next time," he said.

"Yeah I think I might be taking a break from dating for awhile. Ryan mentioned that I seemed jaded and I think he's right. I'm not open right now. I've got my heart locked up and I just think being single is best," I said.

"Well you are only nineteen. You do have your whole life ahead of you," Deacon said.

"I'm starting to realize that," I said.

The waiter came over and took our order.

Tonight's dinner was my treat. It was my way of making things right between Deacon and I.

"I'm sorry for calling you a snitch..." I said.

"I'm the oldest of all my brothers you're not the first person to call me a snitch," Deacon chuckled.

"How are your brothers, your mother, and father?" I asked.

"My brother's are all doing well. My mother is buried in work but she likes it that way. My father... well he and I haven't talked in awhile. You know there is some bad blood between us," I said.

"I'm really sorry that you and your father are on the outs. I know I probably broke my father's heart when I chose Scott over him. I've always been such a daddy's girl," I said.

"I know when you sit down with your father and apologize and open up to him about all you've been through it will strengthen your relationship with him," Deacon said.

"Do you think the same could be said about your relationship with your father?" I asked.

"My father is a very old school hard headed type. I don't think my father is as open to having a real conversation like your father is," Deacon said.

"Well I hope one day you two can talk about everything and rebuild your father son relationship," I said.

"Speaking of family how is Mason?" Deacon asked.

"He's about to become a father... I'm no sure if I ever told you that," I said.

"Is he ready for that? What is he like sixteen?" Deacon questioned.

"Yeah but apparently he's stepped up. I'm kind of excited to become an aunt," I said.

"That baby is going to be showered with so much love," Deacon said.

"I know. My parents will probably go overboard since it's their first grandchild," I laughed.

"I like this... I like seeing you smile. I missed my friend," Deacon said.

"Well she's back and not going anywhere," I smiled.

Deacon reached for my hand across the table and we smiled at each other.

No matter what I was glad I knew I would always have his friendship.

I was lucky he never gave up on me and was always there for me when I needed him.

It's hard to find friends like him that have your back no matter what.

Deacon and I had a great dinner and great conversation.

When it came time to pay for the meal I told him it was on me but he refused to let me pay. That's just the kind of guy he is.

Deacon paid for our dinner and I thanked him.

Since he drove himself to the restaurant and I took an Uber, he offered to drive me back to my hotel.

On the car ride back to my hotel we listened to music and had our own version of carpool karaoke going on.

I forgot how much fun Deacon and I had together.

I felt like I was slowly getting back to myself. The me I was before all the heartbreak and drama.

When Deacon pulled up outside of the hotel I leaned over and gave him a hug.

"I had a great night. Thanks," I said.

"No problem. I'm always here for you, you know that right," he said.

"Yeah. I know," I said.

"Be safe and have a good time with your family," he said.

"I will. Lets get together when I'm back in town," I said.

"Sure thing," he smiled.

I gave Deacon another hug then got out of his car.

I went inside the hotel glad that it seems I'd made amends with everyone... everyone that is but my parents.

While I was a bit nervous to go back home I knew it needed to be done.

I wasn't sure if my mother ever told my father everything I revealed to her. But I knew I needed to apologize to them both and tell my father what I'd been through even if he'd see me differently.

I'd always been a daddy's girl. My father's perfect little princess. How would he react to knowing his perfect little girl wasn't so perfect but a totally train wreck that has made one bad decision after another over the course of this past year.

I knew our conversation wouldn't be easy but I was hoping he'd be open to hearing me out and wouldn't judge me or love me any less. 

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