Chapter 23

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I threw my hands up as I danced in a circle. I was half drunk and didn't give a damn.

This is how my nights had been going lately for the past couple weeks since what happened to me.

I party every night and it's great. I don't have to think about the pain or disgust I felt from what happened and I get to be a different version of myself.

A version of myself that is in control of my actions and body.

I decide how drunk I get.

I decide how high I get.

Most importantly I decide who can fuck me.

No longer am I the naïve little girl who trust everybody and thinks the best in people.

I know how men are now. I know what they want and I use that to my advantage.

"Baby I got the goods," he said as he came up behind me.

I turned around and took his hand as he led me off the dance floor and towards the bathrooms.

It was Friday night and I was out at a nightclub with this new guy I'd been hanging out with since I met him a couple weeks ago.

It was a funny story how we met actually.

I had been in line at this liquor store. I wanted to buy myself a six-pack to drink all my sorrows away alone at home.

I had stepped up to pay and showed my fake id. The prick working called out my id as fake and said he knew I wasn't over twenty-one.

I was pissed and stepped aside only for the guy who had been behind me to pay for my beer as well as his drinks.

We both walked outside and he handed me the six-pack.

I told him he didn't need to do that and I could have handled things myself.

He just chuckled and rolled his eyes. He said all I had to do was say thank you and take the damn beer.

I took the beer but didn't say thank you.

I had started walking off and he followed me.

At first I thought he was pissed that I smarted off at him. But to my surprise he actually found that sexy.

He asked where I was headed and I said none of his business.

He told me it's better to drink in a crowd instead of alone and invited me to this party he was headed to.

I knew I should have just gone home to drink alone but I didn't.

I went to the party he invited me to, with him.

It was a lit party and I had fun.

Since he was the only person I guess you could say I knew I stuck around him a lot that night.

I sat by him on this couch and sipped on a beer.

He smoked some weed and let me try some.

I wasn't a smoker but I tried it to fit in.

He put his arm around me and finished the blunt.

Afterward one of his friends I guess or maybe his supplier came over and handed him something in exchange for some cash.

He excused himself and headed to a bathroom. Me being curious I followed him without him knowing.

He slipped off into a bathroom and I watched as he snorted some white substance.

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