Chapter 43

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I was on the couch watching tv with Madison. She had her feet in my lap and I was rubbing them.

She kept complaining about her back and now her feet hurting so I was just trying to make her feel a little bit better.

"Mason you're going to be on your own for the next twenty four hours. I'm headed to New York to meet your mother," my father said as he entered the living room with a carry on bag.

"Is everything ok with mom?" I asked.

"Yes it's your sister that is the issue. But it's nothing I can't fix," my father said.

"Well be safe," I said.

"I will and you have your credit card if you need anything while I'm away. You and Madison don't get into any trouble now," my father said.

"We won't," Madison said.

"Yeah dad she's a strict one," I joked.

"Well I'll text you when I get to New York. If you need anything you have your mother and I's cell phone numbers," my father said.

I said bye and my father headed out to the car already waiting outside for him.

I didn't know what kind of trouble my sister was in but if my mother called my father for backup that couldn't be good.

"Wonder what's up with Cecilia," Madison said.

"My sister has this new boyfriend my father doesn't like. She brought him over to meet my parents and they weren't thrilled to meet him. She got his name tattoo on her ass and everything. My sister is going through a phase I guess," I said.

"Wow I would never think of Cecilia being like that. She's such a good girl," Madison said.

"Yeah well I guess going off to college turned my sister into a wild child," I said.

"I wonder how our son will be?" Madison questioned as she rubbed her stomach.

"He's going to be so fly. I'll make sure my Jr. has swag," I said.

Madison just smiled.

"What names are you thinking of?" she asked.

"I don't know... how about MJ. Mason Jr," I suggested.

"Lets be a little more original than that Mason," Madison giggled.

"Well what are your name ideas?" I asked.

"I don't know what about Niko or Kodi," Madison suggested.

"I'm not mad at those suggestions. Niko Atwood... Kodi Atwood... they sound good," I said.

"My mom has bought some stuff already including a crib. She said we'd put it together on her day off," Madison said.

"Tell your mom not to worry about it. I'll come over after practice tomorrow and put the crib together," I offered.

"Really?" Madison said surprised.

"Yeah really. Got a have a place for my little man to sleep," I smiled.

"I have to say I'm glad you've come around and are being more supportive about all this. I thought I was going to have to do this all alone but it's nice to know we're in this together. I have my friend back," Madison said.

"I was a dick before and I'm sorry. But I got my priorities in check. I'm not going to let being a teen dad slow me down. I'm still going to get that scholarship and play college ball," I said.

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