Chapter 29

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

"You are the father," my mother said as she revealed the DNA test results.

I sat at the kitchen table with my mother and father.

I wasn't even shocked by these results. Deep down I knew I was the father. That night Madison and I hooked up I didn't use protection.


How could I have been so stupid to let that night come back to bite me in the ass!

"Well now that we've gotten that settled. You ready to apologize to Madison and step up... oh and you Caleb owe her an apology as well. I hope you're ready to be a grandfather," my mother said.

"I'll sign my rights over," I spoke up.

"The hell you will! Mason it's time to grow up and take responsibility! You went out and made a baby so now it's time to be a father to it," my father said.

"But dad-"

"Don't! Just don't! Call Madison and have her come over. I think we both have some groveling to do," my father said.

"For real dad! I'm sixteen!" I argued.

"And you fucked a girl with no protection! Sorry to break it to you son but that is exactly how babies are made!" my father said sternly.

"This is such fucking bullshit!" I said frustrated.

"Watch your mouth and go call the mother of your child! NOW!" my father said in a tone that let me know he'd no longer be on my side with this situation.


Now both of my parents were on Madison's side and no one was on mine.

Cecilia P.O.V.

Three Months Later

I opened the door to my condo as I was headed out.

I walked out into the hallway and closed the door behind me.

As I was locking up I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey stranger," Deacon said.

I locked the door and turned around.

I saw Deacon standing outside his condo in a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

Since dating Scott I haven't really kept up with Deacon. I mean yes we were next door neighbors but we still hardly interacted anymore.

I guess that was my fault.

I mean I'm either busy with classes or seeing Scott.

If Scott's not staying at my place I'm spending the night at his.

Scott and I have been together now for three months and things are great.

He's more than I could have ever asked for in a boyfriend.

He was a real step up from Ryan considering we didn't have to hide our relationship.

"Hey," I said as I started walking to the elevator.

"You headed out?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm meeting Scott and his friends," I said.

"I won't keep you then," Deacon said.

"Bye," I said.

"Cecilia wait...." Deacon said.

"What I need to go," I said.

Outside The Lines (Interracial Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant