Chapter 13

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat in my car in the parking lot of the clinic. I needed to see how far along I was and what my options where. Ryan was clear in wanting me to abort our child. I on the other hand had no idea what I wanted to do.

I'm only nineteen and becoming a mother at this age is nothing I ever expected.

I'm still growing up and figuring out this thing called life.

Am I ready to be a mother?

Am I ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a child?

I still couldn't believe how cold Ryan was about all of this.

How unsupportive he was being.

How he just dumped me after I told him the news.

I know he had been going through a lot and already has kids but I feel like what we had was real.

I thought he truly loved me.

Now I was beginning to see he might have just said it while not truly meaning the words behind it.

As I sat in my car my cell phone rang.

I saw who was calling and was surprised to see Deacon's name.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey Cecilia. I hope this isn't a bad time," he said.

"No it's fine. What's up?" I asked.

"Oh I just got told I'm heading to LA for work and wanted to know if maybe we could link up one night. I know you got school and all but I just thought we could get dinner or something. We didn't really get to catch up when I was back home or when you came to New York," Deacon explained.

I was going through a lot right now. The last thing I wanted to do was entertain.

But then again Deacon did let me stay with him the night Ryan hit me.

"Sure we can get dinner," I said.

"Great. I'll let you know when I'm in town," Deacon said.

"Ok," I said.

Deacon said bye then we ended our call.

I started my car unable to have the courage to get out of my car and go into the clinic.

I'll just deal with this pregnancy later.

Right now I have to get home since I hoped Ryan would be there packing.

I skipped his class today because the last thing I was in the mood for was hearing him teach anything after dismissing me this morning.

I drove home nervously.

I felt so anxious about everything. I just really wish Ryan's reaction to my pregnancy news hadn't of been what it was.

When I arrived at the parking garage of my condo I parked my car then took the elevator upstairs.

Once off the elevator as I walked down the hall to my unit I felt my stomach in knots.

I arrived outside my condo and pulled out my keys.

As I reached out to put my key in the keyhole the front door opened.

I was startled and took a step back as a couple movers walked past me with Ryan's stuff and a woman stood in the background.

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