Chapter 32

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was in my living room packing up my stuff. I had boxes all over my condo. I was planning on being out of this place by the end of the night.

After going home to introduce Scott to my parents and having my dad be a royal asshole to him I told my father I didn't want anything from him.

He cut me off and I was more than happy to let him.

Scott had already said I was more than welcome to move in with him, which is what I was doing. I planned to withdraw from my college classes and just work full time so I could help with expenses.

Scott was being so supportive.

My parents knew nothing of what I'd been through and the only person who truly understood was Scott.

As I packed up my stuff I heard a knock at the door.

I went to see who was here.

Scott had work then he was getting a U-Haul to help me move my stuff.

I unlocked the door and opened it.

I was surprised to see Deacon.

He was in a dress shirt and slacks. He looked very professional. I was guessing he had just come from work.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey... I got your milk... it's a couple months late," he smiled.

I smiled and sighed.

"You can actually keep it. One less thing I have to pack," I said.

"Pack? Where are you going?" Deacon asked.

"I'm moving in with Scott. My father cut me off after not approving of my current relationship. I'm not going to let my father control me after all I've been through. I can get by in life without his help and I'll show him," I said.

"Cecilia I understand being mad with your dad. Hell I don't talk to mine much. But moving in with a guy you barely know isn't smart," Deacon said.

"Deacon I'm really not in the mood for the older brother routine right now. Scott gets off work in a few hours and I need to have all my stuff packed by then," I said.

"Alright... then let me help," he said.

"Really? You want to help and not lecture?" I questioned.

"Yes. I'll just help... we don't even have to talk," Deacon said.

"Ok," I said.

"Let me go change then I'll be right back," he said.

"Alright. I'll leave the door unlocked," I said.

Deacon came back over five minutes later and he helped me pack up everything.

Without his help I probably wouldn't have finished in time. But thanks to him I had all my boxes ready for when Scott would arrive.

"I think we both deserve a beer," I said.

Deacon sat on the couch and I grabbed us both a couple of beers.

I walked back over to the couch and handed him one as I sat beside him.

"Am I ever going to see you again?" Deacon asked as he sat his beer down on the floor beside him.

"Of course. I'm just moving into Scott's loft. I'm not leaving town," I said.

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