Chapter 39

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I'd only seen Scott's eyes go dark like that once before. It was back when we'd argued about me taking the job where Deacon works.

This time that darkness in his eyes didn't waver. He didn't snap out of his rage. He gave into his rage and laid hands on me, something he promised to never do.

Scott said he never wanted to be like his father. He said he grew up watching his father put hands on his mother, then him, and his brother.

Scott had now done the one thing I thought he'd never do.

He hit me.

He didn't just slap me or grip me up tight. He punched me like he was fist fighting a dude.

He knocked me off my feet, the blow was so hard.

When I fell to the ground in tears is when I guess he realized what he'd actually just done.

I was hysterical.

No man had ever hit me before.

I thought Scott loved me. I thought he could have actually been the one.

But as I sat on the ground holding my left eye I knew this couldn't be love.

"Oh fuck... baby... fuck! Cecilia baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that," Scott apologized right away.

Scott bent down and tried to pull me into his arms.

I flinched away from him.

"Shh baby I'm sorry... let me see," Scott said.

I moved my hand away from my eye.

"Fuck!" Scott shouted as he saw the damage he just caused.

He reached for me and I didn't move. Scott picked me up in his arms and carried me back inside the tattoo shop.

He took me to the room he worked in and sat me in the chair. He closed the door and quickly grabbed a towel and went to get ice.

Scott left the room and I sat there in shock.

Scott came back into the room a minute later and gave me a make shift ice pack for my eye.

I placed the ice wrapped up in the towel to my eye.

Scott didn't say anything and neither did I.

He just stood there seeming stunned by his own actions.

After sitting there holding the ice up to my eye for what was like twenty minutes Scott came over to me.

"Here let me see," he said calmly.

I pulled the ice away from my eye and Scott seemed mortified.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the mirror.

I looked up and saw that I had a black eye.

I broke down in tears seeing the broken girl I was.

I guess I could add being in an abusive relationship to the list of shit I've gone through since leaving home for college.

How did things get this bad?

How did I let things get this bad?

"Baby I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me. I just lost my temper," Scott apologized as he came up behind me.

I turned around to face him.

I still had tears in my eyes.

"You gave me a black eye!" I screamed upset.

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