Chapter 62

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I looked down as I watched Cecilia sleeping in my lap.

I hated what she told me. I hated knowing that guy Lucas raped her and was out here walking the streets without consequence.

He needed to pay!

Cecilia deserved justice!

I gently lifted her head out of my lap and placed a pillow down. I let her head gently lay on the pillow as I stood up.

I was going to the club where my brother was... where I knew Lucas was.

I was going to teach that prick a lesson my damn self.

Mason P.O.V.

I unlocked the door after my long walk home. My parents tried to get me to get back in the car but I refused. All there fighting was just making matter's worse.

I walked into the house and closed the door behind me.

I walked past the living room and saw my father sitting in there.

I stopped in the doorway and looked inside.

My dad was sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand.

"Where is mom?" I asked as I stood in the doorway.

"Upstairs taking a bath," he said.

"Dad what you said to Madison was wrong. She and I were working on things and you went and ruined everything. Now she's threatening to never let me see my son because she doesn't want you around," I said.

"Mason come take a seat," my father said.

My father put his drink down and I came over and sat next to him on the couch.

"I didn't mean for things to go the way they did at dinner. Between you and your sister my whole world has been turned upside down. All I've ever wanted was the best for you kids. All I ever wanted was for you and your sister to be better than me. But it seems you both have followed in my footsteps if not worse. I was never cut out for fatherhood. Hell I was never cut out to be a husband. But I fell in love with your mother and became both things I never thought I'd be which, is a father and a husband. Mason are you ready to become a father?" my father asked.

"Honestly no but I know I want to be in my child's life and be there for Madison. I was a jerk to her when I first found out she was pregnant. But after accepting that she was going to have the baby she and I were back to how we've always been which is best friends. Honestly dad if I had to have a baby with someone I'm glad it's her. She's smart, caring, forgiving, and doesn't take no shit," I said.

"Sounds like you might be in love with your best friend," my father said with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought I loved Ashley but after we broke up I realized that wasn't love we had. I don't know what it is I'm feeling for Madison but I do think it's becoming more than friendship. Dad I need you to apologize to Madison and respect her as your grandson's mother. Whether she and I work out or not we'll always be family since we'll share a son. I just want us to all get on the same page and be respectful to one another. If you can't do it for me do it for the grandson you have on the way," I said.

"You're sounding like a man Mason, a better man than I've been," I said.

"So does this mean you'll apologize to Madison and her mother?" I asked.

"I'll invite them over and we can all have another talk... this time I'll do more listening than talking," my father said.

"You promise?" I asked.

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