Chapter 51

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was at the loft packing up my things ready to close this chapter of my life. I closed the dresser drawer as I heard the front door close.

Scott was home.

I didn't care.

I felt numb to all the hurt I'd been through this past year. From my fucked up relationship with Ryan, to being raped, to thinking I'd found my forever with Scott.

I now realized I didn't know the first thing about adulthood or having a stable romantic relationship.

I zipped up my suitcase as Scott walked into the bedroom.

I looked up at him and he walked over to me.

I stood up and he just walked up to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he rubbed my back and nuzzled my neck.

Before the miscarriage this comfort would have made me fall right back in Scott's arms.

But I'm numb. I'm hardened.

Scott pulled back and leaned in for a kiss.

I turned my head away.

"What your hubby/baby daddy can't have a kiss?" he asked.

I pushed Scott away and picked up my suitcase.

"So now you aren't talking to me?" he asked.

"Scott I think I made things clear last night. This marriage is over," I said.

"Cecilia we're having a baby," he said.

"And you were out fucking another bitch all night! She even picked up your phone when I called you this morning! I needed you and you weren't there! Scott you are not the guy I thought you were. You introduced me to drugs and I lost myself in this dysfunctional relationship thinking I was in love. But I realize now this was never love. This was what... you looking for a come up for you and your coke whore girlfriend?" I questioned.


"Were you even single when we met? Have you just been ping ponging between Savannah and me since we met?" I asked.

"Can I speak?" he asked.

"Sure but I already know it's just going to be bullshit," I said.

"Savannah and I were really over. I was into you. But I always knew you were out of my league Cecilia. You were going through a rebellious phase and I was enjoying being your co pilot. I told you in the beginning I have demons. I grew up different from you. I know hitting you was wrong and I'm sorry for that. I know cheating is wrong but Savannah knows my weak spots. I want to be a good husband and father but-"

"Scott I'm not interested in your excuses and to be honest I'm woke now. You are not the guy for me and I'm not the girl for you. I'm going to send over annulment papers because we can't really call this a marriage. As for the baby... I lost it this morning when I called you. Yeah while you were fucking your ex I was losing our baby in a hospital. I woke up with cramps and I was bleeding. I was so scared and went through this alone. A man that loved me would have been here. I wouldn't have had to suffer through a miscarriage alone," I said.

"Cecilia I'm sorry," he said.

"I am too," I said.

I took off my ring and placed it on the dresser.

"Goodbye Scott. I hope you have a good life," I said.

I grabbed my two suitcases knowing my Uber had to be outside by now.

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