Chapter 40

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up naked in bed alone.

I reached over hoping to feel Scott's body next to mine but he wasn't in bed.

I sat up and got out of bed.

As I stood up the bathroom door opened.

Scott stood in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. He hugged me and ran his fingers through my hair.

He kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Morning baby."

He pulled back a little bit and I leaned up to kiss his lips.

"Did my girl sleep well?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Well I have a surprise for you," he said.

"You do?" I asked.

Scott nodded.

Scott walked over to the bed and sat down. He pulled me down to sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me.

"I know last night was intense and we kind of got off track. I made some phone calls then got us a couple plane tickets. We're going out of town for a couple days," Scott said.

"Scott I can't just hop on a plane with you. We have jobs," I reasoned.

"Well I moved my appointments around and I'm sure you can call in sick. We're going to Vegas. I have a few friends out there. Baby we need to get away to reconnect," Scott said.

"Why can't this wait until the weekend?" I asked.

"Because we need this now. I already packed our suitcases. All you have to do is go get your fine ass ready. A cab will be here in the next half hour to get us," Scott said.

Scott kissed me and had me stand up.

"Be a good girl and go get dressed baby," Scott said.

He gave my ass a firm smack and stood up.

He dropped his towel and walked over to the dresser to get some clothes.

I walked off into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the bruise around my left eye.

Memories of last night came flooding back.

I opened the cabinet the get my birth control pills out. I needed to take my pill before I got dressed.

I searched the cabinet but couldn't find my pills.

"Scott!" I called out.

"Yeah!" he responded.

"Have you seen my birth control pills?" I asked.

Scott walked into the bathroom.

He had on his jeans and was putting on his shirt.

"I threw them out," he said as he came up behind me.

"What! Why would you do that?" I asked as we locked eyes in the mirror.

Scott slowly moved in behind me. He wrapped his arms around me making sure his hands rested on my stomach.

He rested his chin on my shoulder and I felt nervous.

"I noticed you had missed a few days so I figured you clearly didn't need them anymore. While I wish you would've let me know you had gone off your birth control I'm not mad about it. I wouldn't mind us having a little one," Scott said.

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