Chapter 67

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother cleaning up a bit.

I had been thinking about how Madison has been so great through out this pregnancy so far even when I wasn't the nicest at first.

I wanted to plan something for her to celebrate us having a baby even if we are super young.

"Mom," I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Yes," my mother said as she looked up.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure take a seat," she said.

I sat down on a barstool as my mother wiped down the kitchen counters.

"What's on your mind?" she asked.

"Well I was thinking about planning something special for Madison to celebrate the baby," I said.

"You mean like a baby shower?" she asked.

"I guess but I'm not sure a baby shower is ideal. I mean we wouldn't have many people to invite. Besides I kind of wanted to keep it close family.... I mean I would have thought I'd invite Cam but he and I aren't talking much anymore. Ever since he started dating Ashley we haven't been cool," I said.

"Well I could always plan a girls day with Madison. Maybe something for her to do with her mother, Cecilia, and I," my mother suggested.

"That sounds cool. I just want her to know I really appreciate her and I'm here for her and the baby a hundred percent," I said.

"I'm so glad to see you really being hands on with the family you and Madison are creating. While I don't like that you have started a family this young I'm proud of you for stepping up," my mother said.

"Thanks mom that means a lot. You know I kind of want Madison and I to be a real family... I was thinking about asking her out.... I took her out for ice cream the other day but she didn't consider it a date," I said.

"Madison is probably just guarded but you and her are good friends. I think you asking her out is sweet. You two would make a cute couple and I definitely approve of her," my mother said.

"Well I'm glad we have your blessing," I smiled.

"Well you worry about planning a nice date for you two and I'll worry about planning a girls day for her to celebrate the baby," my mother said.

"Thanks mom," I said.

"You're welcome," my mother smiled.

I was nervous yet excited to ask Madison out on a real date. I was hoping she wouldn't turn me down. I know we've always just been friends but through out this pregnancy I've really started to have feelings for her that go beyond friendship.

I was just hoping if I put my heart out there she would feel the same way.

Cecilia P.O.V.

I grabbed a hand basket as Josie and I walked into the grocery store.

We were going to binge watch some shows at my house tonight but we needed some junk food first.

"Lets make this quick," I said.

"I got you girl. We need chips, cookies, soda, and some candy," Josie said.

"How about I go get the cookies and candy and you grab the soda and chips," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me," I said.

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