Chapter 58

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I was over at Madison's just chillin. With everything going on with my sister I knew my parents had their hands full.

"I want to talk with your dad," Madison said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I think he over stepped with the whole custody agreement papers. He needs to understand that I'm this child's mother and you're the child's father. I would prefer we communicate rather than letting our parents try to run things," Madison explained.

"I was going to talk to my father but then my sister had all this drama happen. I'll talk to him though. Don't worry. You and our little man are top priority," I said.

I rubbed Madison's stomach and felt a kick.

"Shit did you feel that!" I said excited.

"Well yeah. The baby is inside me Mason," Madison laughed.

I held my hand to her stomach and felt another kick.

"He did it again," I said.

"Yeah he kicks a lot these days," Madison said.

"Do you think he knows my hand is on your stomach... like he knows it's his daddy?" I asked.

"He could," Madison shrugged.

"How are you not more amazed by this?" I asked confused.

Madison seemed so chill about our son kicking and here I was all giddy.

"Mason I was amazed the first time I felt him kick. But now I'm just use to it. This is your first time feeling him kick so I'm letting you have your moment," she laughed.

As Madison and I sat there and I kept my hand on her stomach her mom came home.

"Hey mom," Madison said as her mother walked in.

"Hi you two. I wasn't expecting Mason to be here," she said.

"Mason and I were just hanging out," Madison said.

"Mason my daughter showed me those papers your father sent over. I'd like to have a talk with him about that," Madison's mother said.

"I already told Madison I'd talk to my dad. Madison and I will work something out by ourselves," I said.

"That's great to hear that you two are going to come up with something and you are willing to speak with your father on her behalf. But I'd still like to have a face to face conversation with both your parents but mainly your father. I don't much appreciate how he's treated Madison during this pregnancy," Madison's mother said in a concerned tone.

I know my dad and I both weren't the nicest to Madison when she first revealed her pregnancy. But I apologized and we made up. My father hasn't been the best towards her but I really didn't want our parents arguing.

"I can see if my parents wouldn't mind having you both over for dinner," I suggested.

"I actually have a better idea. I'd like you and your parents to join Madison and I here in our home for dinner," Madison's mother suggested.

"I'm sure my parents would insist you come to our house," I said.

"Well I'm insisting they come here," Madison's mother said sternly.

"Alright I'll let them know and we can find a time that works for all of us," I said.

"Sounds good. Now I'm going to go shower and change so I can get ready for the night shift. I can give you two money for pizza if you are hungry," Madison's mother said.

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