Chapter 48

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I screwed in the last screw as I finished putting the crib together for the baby.

After practice I came over to Madison's to put the baby's crib together. I had promised her a couple days ago I'd do it so I was making good on that.

"Wow it looks great. Here I brought you a glass of lemonade for your hard work," Madison said as she waked into the bedroom.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I took the glass of lemonade from her.

Madison had wanted the baby's crib to be set up in her room.

Her mom and her didn't have a huge place like me. I knew they were doing what they could afford.

Madison sat down on her bed and I sat down beside her.

"I've been thinking. I know I want to go to school in Florida when it comes time for college unless I'm drafted right out of high school. But I was thinking I'd ask my parents if they wanted to relocate out there since my dad owns his club out there. That way there would be someone to watch our little one," I explained.

"So what the baby and I are just suppose to follow you to Florida?" Madison asked.

"Well we have two years to still think about it. I mean we're only sophomores right now," I said.

"Mason I'm all for you going to college and chasing the dream of becoming a pro ball player. But I don't know if Florida is where I see myself going to college. I mean I'm hoping to get an academic scholarship to pay for my college," I said.

"Madison I want you to follow your dreams just as much as I want to follow mine. But I want to be in my little man's life as much as possible. Right now it'll be easy to co-parent since we're in the same city. But when college rolls around I want to make sure I still get to be involved," I said.

"This is such a change from how you spoke about fatherhood earlier. Don't get me wrong I'm glad you want to be here and in our son's life. But Mason you and I aren't together so whether we're ready to face it or not when college time comes around you will lose some time with our son," Madison said.

"That's not really fair," I said.

"Mason I'm going to be his sole provider," Madison said.

"Why can't it be fifty-fifty?" I asked.

"Mason be realistic. Your basketball schedule will not allow for you to be able to handle having our son half the time. I know I'm going to have to put in more work when it come to raising our son than you simply because of the career path you want to take," Madison said.

"Madison I'm really trying not to take what you're saying personal but it's like you're side lining me from being just as involved as you will be with our son," I said getting a little upset.

I stood up and Madison did too.

"Mason please don't get defensive. I know you want to be involved and I want you involved. But I'm just trying to lay out the facts so when the time comes we both are already prepared," Madison explained.

"Can we just table this for right now. I mean we have two years to figure out everything if we'll even be apart during college," I said.

"Yeah we can revisit this conversation later," she said.

"Good... well I should be heading home," I said.

"Thanks again for coming over and setting up the crib. I appreciate it," Madison said.

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