Chapter 75

752 96 19

Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I got suspended for two weeks.

I'm off the basketball team for the rest of the season.

Oh and I'm sitting at a burger joint with my father who is sitting across from me not saying a word.

Since picking me up from school my father hasn't said one word to me.

I couldn't tell if he was mad or just tired.

Either way this wasn't my fault.

It was all Camden's fault.

I was just defending my family.

The waitress came over and brought our food.

My father and I both ordered bacon cheeseburgers with fries and milkshakes.

The waitress told us to enjoy our food then gave my dad a flirty wink before walking off.

My father didn't even notice. He was too busy putting ketchup on his plate.

"It wasn't my fault dad," I said breaking the silence.

My father dipped a fry in the ketchup.

"It was all Camden. He said some slick racist shit about mom and Madison. I had to put him in his place dad," I explained.

My father chewed his food still not saying a word.

"Dad please say something!" I said.

My father finished chewing and took a drink of his milkshake. He then finally looked up at me with a smile.

"I'm proud of you son," he said.

I was shocked.

Did I just hear him right?

He was proud of me?


"So I'm not in trouble?" I asked.

"Why would you be in trouble for defending your mother?" my father asked.

"And Madison dad..." I corrected him.

My father nodded and took a bite of his burger.

"Camden was so out of line dad. If you could have just heard the things he was saying. I never knew my best friend was really an undercover racist," I said disappointed.

"Sometimes it's the ones closest to us that end up surprising us in the worst ways," my father said.

"Is that why you and uncle Evan don't talk anymore?" I asked.

"Don't call him that. That man was never your uncle. We don't share the same DNA in the slightest," my father said on edge.

"Sorry.... I just... Dad how did you two fall out?" I asked.

"He said some slick shit about your mother and well I wasn't having it. He showed me who he really was and well they say once a person shows you who they are believe them. I had to cut his toxic ass out of my life. It was for the best though," my father explained.

"I thought Camden was a real friend but now... I know he was never my friend at all," I said.

"Well it's better you find out now. It took me thirty plus years to realize my best friend wasn't shit," my father said.

"Dad Madison won't talk to me. She's upset with me and I've tried to talk to her but she just won't listen," I said.

"Women are complicated son. Sometimes they just need time. Other times they need a little push. Considering Madison is pregnant I'd say she might need a little push. When women are pregnant they are at their most vulnerable and hormonal. After we finish eating I can drop you off by Madison's if you'd like," my father said.

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