Chapter 45

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat on Deacon's couch in tears as I held an ice pack to my face.

When Scott punched me and threw me out the cab driver helped me into the cab.

The driver offered to call the police but I begged him not to. I just had him drive me to Deacon's place and he did so free of charge.

When I got to Deacon's condo he opened the door and pulled me inside when he saw what happened to me.

He asked questions but I didn't answer them.

He said he wanted to call the police but I begged him not to.

How could I admit that Scott punched me with this not even being the first time?

"Cecilia talk to me. Tell me what happened. Did that guy Scott do this to you?" Deacon asked upset.

I didn't say a word I just sat there crying in pain.

"Cecilia come on talk to me," Deacon said.

Deacon crouched down between my legs trying to get me to talk.

I still didn't say anything and a few minutes later there was a frantic knock at his door.

I turned quickly and looked towards the door as Deacon stood up.

That better not be who I think it is!

Deacon went to answer the door.

When he opened the door and I saw who was here I was pissed.

Why does he always do this!

Why does he always involve my parents?

"Bean!" I heard my mother call out franticly as she walked into Deacon's condo.

I noticed my father walking in not too far behind her.

This was just great.

"Oh my gosh! BEAN!" my mother said horrified as she saw my face.

My father walked over and the look in his eyes scared me.

"I'm going to kill that motherfucker!" my father shouted in rage.

My mother sat down beside me and put her arms around me.

"Sweetheart what happened? Did that boy Scott do this to you?" my mother asked.

"Deacon why did you call them?" I asked.

"They are your parents and they needed to know. Cecilia you've been through a lot in the last few months. You're spiraling out of control," Deacon said.

"Some friend you are, snitch!" I said upset as I stood up.

I didn't want my parents here. I didn't want them involved!

"Cecilia, Deacon did the right thing calling us. He was just looking out for you," my mother said.

"No he wasn't! He's just trying to look like the good guy in front of you two!" I said to hurt him.

Deacon is never on my side. He's working in my parents favor not mine.

"I'm not trying to look like a good guy I am a good guy! But you can't see that because the only guys that seem to get your attention abuse you. But hey that's what you like right," Deacon said.

"We need to take her to the hospital," my mother said.

"I'm not going to any hospital I'm fine," I said.

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