Chapter 19

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I was dressed and headed over to Ashley's house.

It was Saturday and all I wanted to do was chill with my girlfriend and forget all about Madison's pregnancy.

I walked downstairs as my parents were talking in the living room.

"I'm out!" I called out.

"Mason wait!" my mother called out.

I stopped as my mother walked out of the living room and approached me.

"What mom?" I asked.

"Madison has her first appointment today. She invited me to come along with her and her mom. I think you need to be there too," my mother said.

"Zoey stop forcing this! The baby probably isn't even his," my father chimed in.

"Shut up Caleb it is his! Madison is a sweet girl and I feel for her. You two are just being rude and unreasonable. Mason I know this might all be scary for you but think about Madison. She's just as young and scared and just think she has to go to school pregnant for the next few months. Imagine how hard that will be for her, having the kids at school judge her. She needs her best friend/ child's father supporting her right now," my mother reasoned.

"I'm going to Ashley's. Have fun with Madison mom but please leave me out of it," I said as I walked out the door.

I walked out and headed over to my car.

I got in and started the engine. I put on my seatbelt then backed out of the driveway.

My mom was unbelievable. She just couldn't help but to insert herself where she didn't belong.

If Madison wanted to keep her baby that was on her. I said my peace and wanted to be done with that situation.

I drove over to Ashley's house and got there in about thirty minutes.

I parked in her driveway then got out of my car.

I walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell.

I waited a few seconds before her mother answered the door.

"Hi Mason this is a surprise," Ashley's mother said.

"Hey... is Ashley home?" I asked.

"Actually she just left," her mother said.

"Oh... did she mention where she was headed?" I asked as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I think she was headed to your house... or maybe a friends house. I'm unsure," her mother said.

"Oh I'll just text her. Thanks," I said as I headed back to my car.

I got back in my car and called Ashley.

Her phone went straight to voicemail.

Where was she?

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat across from Deacon as we had breakfast to start off our Saturday morning.

Since moving to New York this has become our routine. Deacon and I share breakfast at this cute little Café not too far from our condo building. We then go grocery shopping for the week to stock up our fridges. He'll come with me on any other errands I may have or vice versa.

We then usually chill with his friends at night. Sometimes we'll all go to a club or just chill at someone's house.

Sometimes Deacon and I just have a movie night alone if we don't feel like being social.

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