Chapter 63

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I sat in the police station waiting area as Cecilia gave her statement.

When I got up and left Cecilia sleeping I had every intention on going to the club to kick Lucas's ass.

But as I was walking through the hotel lobby to leave I saw him walking in.

I hurried back upstairs and that's when I found him on top of Cecilia ready to rape her again.

I knocked him over the back of his head and called the police.

He was arrested and now Cecilia was here giving her statement.

She wanted me to call her parents, which I did.

Her dad said he was having his private jet get him here as fast as he could.

As I sat here just waiting for Cecilia I thought about how much she means to me and how much she's been through.

She might not know it but that girl is strong as hell to have overcome everything that's been thrown her way.

I love her so much and she doesn't even know it.

Yes I've told her how I feel for her but I don't think she truly gets what she means to me.

I've dated and have been in a couple relationships. But I've always just had this place in my heart that couldn't be touched because it belongs to Cecilia.

"Deacon where is my daughter!" I heard a panicked male voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and saw my uncle Caleb.

I stood up.

"She's giving a statement to the police," I said.

"Where is that rapist?" Caleb asked.

"They arrested him," I said.

"How is my baby girl?" he asked.

"She's shaken up but doing ok," I said.

"I should have never allowed her to come out here!" Caleb said as he began pacing.

"You couldn't have known what would happen... besides keeping her locked up in the house will solve nothing," I said.

"At least if she is locked up in the house I know she's safe!" he argued.

"I was there I protected her," I said.

"Thank you for keeping her safe but I'm her father so I'll take it from here," he said.

"Actually can we talk.... Outside," I said.

My uncle was hesitant but nodded.

We walked outside to get some fresh air.

I know the timing is bad but I had to speak with him.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Uncle Caleb I care for Cecilia a lot," I said.

"Yes she's mentioned that you two have a friendship while I disapprove of it," he said.

"Why do you disapprove? Have I ever done anything to prove myself unworthy of her friendship?" I asked.

"It's not so much about you Deacon but the family you come from," he said.

"You mean the man that fathered me?" I clarified.

"Yes. Your father is a real piece of work and I can't help but assume it runs in the genes. I just don't want my daughter caught up in that," he explained.

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