Chapter 6

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.


I blinked twice hoping I was reading the pregnancy test wrong.

I looked at it again and nope I had been reading it right.

I'm pregnant!

Damn it!

How did I let this happen! I'm the responsible sibling between my brother and I.

If anyone should be becoming a teen parent and disappointing our parents I would have bet money it'd be him not me.

Shit how will I tell my parents I'm pregnant!

Shit how am I going to tell Ryan!

Well I know Ryan will be shocked but he shouldn't be angry.

I mean we are in a relationship and he was the one who had forgotten to buy us more condoms. Yeah I've been on birth control but he should have done his part in preventing this from happening just as much as me.

I placed the test back on the counter and picked up my cell phone.

I debated whether or not to call Ryan and tell him right now.

I'm freaking out and he's my support system. I just need to hear his reassuring voice right now.

I dialed his number and nervously waited for him to answer.

"Hello!" I heard a female voice.

This voice didn't sound like it would be his mother.

"Umm... hi... is Ryan there," I said timidly.

"Who is this?" the female asked in an demanding tone.

"I'm sorry maybe I have the wrong number," I said ready to hang up.

"No you have the right number! This is Ryan's wife!" the woman said.


Why was Ryan's soon to be ex- wife answering his phone?

He was supposed to be at his parent's house with his sons... he never mentioned that she'd be joining them.

"Umm... I'm..I-" I couldn't even speak I was at a lost for words.

"Cat got your tongue co-ed? I swear all you little freshmen girls are the same! Do you not realize it is Christmas! He is not on the clock he is spending well overdue time with his wife and kids! It is the holidays for crying out loud! So how about you save your desperate flirtation on my husband for when class is back in session and leave us be until the new year," the female said rudely before hanging up in my face.

I was so confused.

What was she talking about?

She spoke like a woman who still had some claim to him... not like a woman in the middle of getting divorced from him.

"Bean dinner is ready!" I heard my mother call out as she knocked on my bedroom door.

I jumped startled but just turned off my bathroom light and decided to go join my family downstairs.

I'd have to deal with my pregnancy and Ryan later.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen.

My family was already seated at the table.

I sat down next to my brother and put my phone face down on the table.

"Well isn't this nice. Us all together for Christmas," my grandmother said.

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