Chapter 80

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

Six Months Later

I smiled as I saw my baby nephew smiling. He was on the living room floor crawling towards me.

I sat with my hands open wide just waiting for him to get to me.

He is only six months old and is crawling like a big boy.

"Come to auntie CeCe. You're almost here," I said encouraging him.

He smiled and crawled faster and reached me.

I smiled and picked him up. He giggled and I smothered him in kisses.

"You're so smart and growing so fast," I said so proud.

I heard the doorbell as I held Niko.

I got up with Niko in my arms as I went to see who was here.

Mason was out with Madison while my parents were out as well. I was home alone babysitting.

"Who is at the door?" I said to Niko as if he could answer me.

I got to the door and opened it.

I was actually surprised to see who was here.

It was Deacon.

He stood on the doorstep in jeans and a t-shirt. His facial hair had grown out and I couldn't lie he looked good.

"What?" I asked.

"Baby don't be like that I said I was sorry," Deacon apologized.

I walked away from him letting him just follow me inside.

The past six months have been tough for Deacon and I. With his mother being sick and him flying back and forth between Atlanta and New York to check up on her, things have been rocky.

He doesn't let me in when it comes to how he's dealing with his mother's cancer.

He'll text me here and there and maybe call me once every three weeks.

I feel so disconnected from him and it sucks.

I've told him I feel like we have a lack of communication in our relationship and he agreed and said he'd work on communicating with me more.

But still he drops the ball and leaves me in the dark about things.

I know he's going through a lot but I just want to be there for him.

I talk to his brother Carson more than I talk to him to see what's going on.

I hate it.

I walked into the living room and put Niko in his playpen.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and I pushed his hands off me.

"Don't," I said as I walked over to the couch.

"Cecilia I said I was sorry baby. Come on forgive me," Deacon said as he sat down beside me.

"You got here last night and didn't even tell me! I had to find out from my mom who heard from your mom that you were in town!" I said frustrated.

Deacon has done this before. He's come to town to check on his mother and not even tell me he's here then fly back to New York within hours and not even see me.

Deacon already knows it's hard with us having a long distance relationship. It would just be nice to see him if only for a few minutes when he's in town.

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