Chapter 28

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"Cecilia! Baby wake up! Baby please wake up!" I heard a panicked voice shouting.

I slowly tried to open my eyes as I felt water falling on my face.

I felt a hand tapping my cheeks and then I was being given mouth to mouth.

I woke up and started coughing.

"Thank god!" he said relieved as I came to.

I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Scott looking down at me with a sigh of relief.

My head was in his lap and we were both fully clothed but sitting on the floor of my shower as the water ran.

"What happened," I said weakly.

Scott turned off the shower water.

"Did you take all the drugs I left?" he asked.

I nodded slowly.

"What the fuck Cecilia! Were you trying to kill yourself!" he said upset.

I sat up and Scott got up.

He got out of the shower and seemed very upset.

"I got your message and rushed over right after work! You weren't answering and I knew you had to be here. I kicked in the front door... I found you passed out in your bed barely breathing. Cecilia I thought you were dead," he said.

"Well I'm fine," I said as I stood up.

"Thanks to me getting here when I did! I should have never thrown those drugs at you. Fuck this is all my fault," Scott said as he put his head in his hands.

I got out of the shower and walked over to Scott.

I did go too far.

I did way more coke than I should have. But I just wanted to feel nothing. But in doing that I clearly almost killed myself.

"Thanks for coming... for saving me," I said as I pulled his hands away from his face.

"I've had a friend commit suicide! I know how a person can be in a dark place and feel like they can't turn to anyone or they are afraid to just be vulnerable. Cecilia talk to me. Tell me why you did all that coke! What are you trying to run from," Scott asked.

I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against the wall.

Scott came and sat down right next to me.

"Whatever it is you can tell me..." he said.

"I was raped," I said out loud for the first time.

I felt sick. I felt disgusting admitting that.

"I guess I should start from the beginning.... When I first went off to college it was in LA. I fell for my professor and we had a short-lived relationship. He lied and told me he was getting divorced only to flip the script on me once I turned up pregnant. I got an abortion then moved here. Things were going good for a while. Then I met this guy named Lucas. He said he was a photographer. He had this story of needing a model for a shoot and thought I had a good look. Long story short my friend Deacon warned me not to go but I went anyway and didn't tell anyone where I was going. Everything was fine at first but he gave me a drink that he spiked. We were kissing... he went down on me. I liked everything until he got forceful and pinned me down to fuck me. I said no but I couldn't really decipher if what happened to me was rape considering I liked everything leading up to the actual act of sex. Anyway when I woke up he was long gone and I realized the place he had me at wasn't even his but a friend of Deacon's. That night I went to the hospital and got checked out and they did tell me I had a date rape drug in my system. I didn't go to the cops because again I didn't know if it would really be considering rape if I allowed him to kiss me and eat me out. I met you shortly after that all happened. That first hit of coke made me feel the escape I'd been yearning for. I've never told anyone about what happened to me that night until now," I explained.

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