Chapter 61

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

"What the hell did I tell you before we got out of this car! Caleb you were so rude and completely showed your ass! You need to go apologize to Madison and her mother for what you said! What just happened was completely unnecessary," my mother scolded my father as I got in the car.

I closed the door and my father began backing out of the driveway.

Tonight's dinner was a complete shit show and Madison and I were now not on good terms.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true! That girl has her head in the clouds!" my father argued.

"Madison is a sweet girl and trying her best! She didn't deserve to be spoken to the way you spoke to her," my mother argued.

"The girl has no plan! She is winging it! Look we can provide a better more stable life for our grandson than her or her mother can!" my father reasoned.

"Caleb we are the grandparents not the parents. Madison and Mason need to take the lead on this while we all just help from the sidelines," my mother reasoned.

"Mason is going to college and will not have time to be a full time dad! Madison will be doing who knows what by the time they graduate! At least with our help we know our grandson is set! I will not apologize for stating facts! Madison should have been more careful about who she spread her legs for! Because she laid down with my son and now my son is having a child! I will be involved whether she likes it or not! If she can't handle my involvement maybe she should have gotten an abortion," my father said nastily.

"You are being a huge dick right now Caleb!" my mother argued.

"At least I'm thinking about our grandson's future!" my father snapped back.

"MOM! DAD! JUST SHUT UP!" I shouted so frustrated.

My father stopped at a red light and I just unlocked my door and got out of the car.

I couldn't take my parents arguing.

I couldn't take it that Madison and I were now arguing too.

I just needed to clear my head.

So walking home was my only option at this point.

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was in bed in my hotel suite. I had cried myself to sleep and hadn't realized how long I'd been sleeping until I heard a knock at the door.

I sat up in bed and stretched.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was eight thirty.

I got out of bed and headed out of the bedroom to answer the door.

I walked up to the door and unlocked it.

When I opened the door I was surprised to see Deacon.

He was in this all white fit. He had his two chains on, a nice watch, his tattoos where showing and I couldn't lie he looked fine as hell.

"You been in here cryin?" Deacon asked.

I hadn't looked at myself before coming to answer the door so I was assuming my eyes were puffy from the crying.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be out partying with your brother?" I asked.

"Everyone went out for dinner... I told Carson I'd meet up with them at the club. I wanted to check on you. After you ran out earlier I've just been worried but I wanted to give you your space," he explained.

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