Chapter 54

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat on the couch in the dark waiting for my dad to try to sneak out. I couldn't let my father go do something out of anger that he would end up regretting.

While I was glad my father wanted to defend my honor I couldn't let him do something that would land him in jail.

I looked at the time on my cell phone and saw that it was midnight.

I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs and I could see headlights slightly shining through the living room curtains from outside.

I looked over and saw my father standing at the bottom of the stairs.

He looked up towards the top of the staircase then towards the door.

I know he's second-guessing himself, as he should.

"Don't do it daddy," I said.

I saw my father start looking around as if he was hearing things.

I turned on the lamp in the living room and he finally saw me.

"Cecilia, sweetheart what are you still doing up?" he asked.

"Waiting on you... daddy don't leave. Don't do it. They aren't worth it," I said.

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about," my father said.

"Dad I heard you and mom. I know what you want to do and what she thought she talked you out of. You can't go on some killing spree in my honor. I need you daddy and you can't be there for me if you're behind bars," I said.

"Cecilia I-"

"Daddy I did drugs," I admitted.

If I wanted my father to stay home and not go do something reckless I knew I would have to reveal the one thing I was too ashamed of to him.

"What?" my father questioned.

"With Scott. I smoked weed and did cocaine. I was broken after being raped and the drugs were an escape. It made me feel free. It numbed my pain. At first Scott made me feel good too but looking back I was just masking all my hurt. The drugs weren't the answer and neither was Scott," I said.

My father dropped his bag by the stairs.

He walked over to me and took a seat on the couch beside me.

"You mean to tell me this boy go you hooked on drugs?" my father asked.

"Kind of... but I stopped and I haven't touched the stuff in awhile," I said.

"Are you really sure you are sober and not addicted Cecilia. Don't lie to me because this is serious," my father said worried.

"Dad I was always in control. I never took too much except for once and Scott found me in time and saved me," I said.

"Did you overdose?" my father asked.

I nodded in shame.

"Damn it Cecilia!" my father said angry.

My father stood up and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I never wanted this for my kids. If anyone were going to experiment with drugs I thought it'd be your brother. But it was you... I passed on my own illness to my baby girl," my father said.

"Daddy what are you talking about? What illness?" I asked confused.

"There is so much in my past that you kids don't know about. But hearing that you have used and it wasn't just once but on a regular bases for sometime means you need to hear this. You need to know the truth about me," my father said.

"What truth?" I asked.

"I was an addict Cecilia... I use to use cocaine daily for years. It wasn't until I met your mother and she forced me into stopping that I got clean. Let me tell you it wasn't easy. I did things that I'm not proud of when I was under the influence. I wasn't always faithful to your mother before she and I were married or had you. The drugs had a lot to do with it but also my own selfishness. Baby girl I had to go to treatment to get better. Do you need to be in a program?" my father asked.

"No daddy I don't need a program. I swear I stopped on my own. Trust me seeing how Scott was on drugs made me not want to be like him. I'm clean dad, I promise," I said.

"Well forgive me but I'm going to want you to take a drug test just to make sure," he said.

"That's fine," I said.

"I know this might be personal but now hearing that you and him did drugs together and he's an addict... Cecilia were you intimate with that boy?" my father asked.

"Yes," I said as I looked down in shame.

"Did you and him always use protection?" my father asked.

I didn't say anything.

"Cecilia answer me," my father pushed.

"No daddy. He and I weren't using protection. I was actually recently pregnant but had a miscarriage," I admitted.

My father ran his hand over his face seeming so confused and disappointed.

"Your mother's right we need to have you checked out by a doctor. Cecilia do you know how unsafe it is having unprotected sex with an addict! That boy was cheating on you and could have anything! You could have something," my father said.

"I never thought about all that," I said honestly.

"I'm sure you didn't," my father said.

"I'm sorry daddy. I've made some really stupid decisions. I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself for not valuing your body and knowing your own self worth," my father said.

"Are you going to tell mom?" I asked.

"You mean to tell me she doesn't know about all this?" my father questioned.

"No... I never told mom any of this. I was too ashamed to admit to any of it. I just didn't want you or mom to be so disappointed in me that you loved me any less," I said.

"Cecilia no matter what stupid things you do in life your mother and I will always love you. We will never stop loving you. We will never turn our backs on you," my father said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really. You are our daughter and we love you no matter what," my father assured me.

I stood up and walked into my father's embrace. He gave me a tight hug. A hug I didn't even know I needed.

"Does this mean you are going to stay home and not seek revenge?" I asked.

"For now you and your health are my main focus. Those boys will be dealt with at a later time, hopefully by karma as your mother suggested," my father said.

"So are you going to tell mom?" I asked again.

"Tell me what?" my mother asked as she entered the room.

I pulled away from my father knowing I'd now have to come clean to my mother as well.

We all sat down and I told my mother what I had just told my father.

My mother just like my father insisted I get drug tested and tested for any STDs.

I had never much thought about catching something from Scott but now looking back I was scared to find out if I did in fact have anything.

I mean Scott and I were having sex regularly while he was also sleeping with his ex. I had no clue if he used protection with her or not.

After talking with my parents my mother said she was making me a doctors appointment in the morning. Both of my parents agreed to come with me to the appointment.

I was hoping all would be well and I would have a clean bill of health. But if I were to have anything I was hoping it was curable and I knew I'd have my parents there for support. 

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