Chapter 50

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I sat in a hospital bed crying my eyes out. This morning I had woken up feeling bad cramps and when I pulled the covers back I saw blood. I called 911 and I was rushed to the hospital.

I had gotten here and I already feared what was now true.

The doctor confirmed I had suffered a miscarriage.

I was no longer pregnant. I lost Scott's baby.

I lost my baby.

I lost our baby.

I was so depressed.

Last night after my huge fight with Scott and telling him we were done I was sure I would be raising this child alone.

Now I had no child to even raise.

I felt yet another loss. This hit different than the abortion I had.

This loss was one I wasn't prepared for.

I wiped my tears as I curled up into a ball.

I told Scott I was moving out and would be gone by the time he got back this morning.

I clearly hadn't packed anything and now I'd have to face him and tell him what happened.

I turned over and picked up the phone.

I called Scott.

I needed him here.

The phone rang a couple times then a female answered his phone.

"Hello," she said.

I knew who it was. It was Savannah.

"Can I speak to Scott?" I asked.

"Let me go see if he's finished showering," she said.

I heard some shuffling then what sounded like kissing.

"Who is it?" I heard Scott ask in the background.

"Who do you think," Savannah said in the background.

"Give me the phone," he said in the background.

I heard some kissing again then a door close.

"What," Scott answered when he finally spoke into the phone.

I didn't even say anything. I just hung up.

He doesn't care about me.

No one does.

I began to cry again as there was a knock on the door.

The doctor walked in with discharged papers.

I was already being sent home.

Just like that I went from being a mother to not being one.

In an instant my life changed so quickly.

The doctor gave me my discharge paperwork then said I was free to go when I was dressed.

I sat up as the doctor left.

I changed into the clothes I had brought with me.

I was going to have to call a cab or something to get back to the loft.

I was hoping Scott wouldn't be there when I got there. I just needed to get home and pack a bag then go to a hotel or something.

I never thought I'd hit rock bottom until this very moment.

This here felt like I'd reached the lowest point I ever could in my life.

Mason P.O.V.

After practice I went by my father's club because ever since my talk with Madison I'd been worried about how we'd split time raising our son.

I just wanted a little advice so I wanted to talk with my dad one on one.

I walked in through the back entrance after parking in the back lot.

I saw my father's car here so I knew he was inside. I also saw my mother's car in the lot so I was guessing she was here too.

I walked down the hall and approached my father's office.

I saw the door was closed but decided to just turn the knob and open the door anyway.

I opened the door and wished I'd knocked.

"UHH CALEB," I heard my mother moan as some papers fell off my father's desk.

"Oh my gosh! EWWW!" I said disgusted as I shut the door quickly.

I was never going to get that image out of my head, my mother and father fucking in his office on top of his desk.

I was just glad they weren't naked.

"Mason what the hell!" my father said as he opened the door.

I noticed his shirt half buttoned and my mother was flattening out her skirt as she got off his desk.

"What I came to talk to you. I was hoping you were alone. I had no clue you and mom would be in there fucking like teenagers," I said.

"Excuse you little boy we are married," my mother said.

"Still doesn't make it any less gross mom..." I said still traumatized.

"Oh how do you think you got here," my mother said with an eye roll.

"Well if you two are done can we talk dad?" I asked.

"What did you want to talk about that couldn't wait until I got home?" my father asked.

"It's about Madison and the baby," I said.

"If this has anything to do with not taking responsibility forget it mister," my mother chimed in.

"It actually has to do with the opposite mom. I was talking to Madison and well we want to go to different colleges... I was just wondering how we'd work out an arrangement so I can see our son just as much as she will," I explained.

"Oh so you're needing custody advice," my father said.

"I guess so... yeah," I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well I could talk to my mother about having something drafted up. A custody arrangement for you and Madison," my father suggested.

"Really grandma would do that?" I asked.

"Of course she would. She's a retired lawyer and well you're her grandson and the new baby will be her great grandson," my father said.

"Well the sooner the better. I just don't want to miss out on getting time with the baby once it's time for Madison and I to go off to college," I said.

"I love to see this turn around in you Mason. I'm glad you're wanting to be a hands on father," my mother said proudly.

"Well look at his example baby," my father said giving himself credit.

"Oh I'm looking at it and don't forget how rough around the edges you use to be mister," my mother said to my father.

"Haven't I been a great father though?" my father questioned.

"Yes... I wouldn't have wanted kids with any other man," my mother assured my father.

"And I couldn't have asked for a better mother for my children," my father said as he looked over at my mother lovingly.

As disgusting as it was walking in on my parents intimate moment a few minutes ago I couldn't lie I love that my parents love each other so much.

I hope I can one day love a woman as much as my father loves my mother.

I hope to be a good example for my son so he grows up to be a good man.

I might only be sixteen but I am having to grow up a bit faster now due to my own decisions. I just hope to make my parents proud and make something of myself. 

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