Chapter 66

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Deacon P.O.V.

I sat on the couch and popped open a beer. My brother sat down beside me with a beer in his hand as well.

What a busy afternoon we had.

I got back home early this morning and was here to help my mother pack to move out of my childhood home.

My parents are finally getting divorced.

I say finally because it's been a long time coming.

I mean I don't know the exact moment my parent's marriage started to fall apart. But I do remember when our family became less unified.

I remember when I was younger and my brothers and I spent time with our parents and things were good.

Our parents were happy and us kids were happy too.

But slowly the family time wasn't as frequent and my mother was working more than my father liked.

I can still remember the first real argument I ever caught my parents having.

It was over my mother working long hours and my father sick of being a stay at home dad.

My dad was very into gender roles. I mean he believes the man needs to be out there making the money and the woman should be at home taking care of the household and kids.

I think my father somewhat resented my mother for being a career woman after having kids.

My parents butted heads for years before they legally separated. Although my parents have been separated for some time my mother hasn't been with other men as far as I know.

As for my dad he has been living his best life in his own bachelor pad acting as if he didn't have a whole family he abandoned.

A short while back my parents kind of seemed to be getting along but that was a fluke.

Now my father has made the biggest dick move and filed for divorce. He had my mother served with divorce papers and wanted her out of the family home because he intends to sale it.

Oh and did I mention his stupid ass is engaged to a woman my age.

I know my mom tries to keep it together for us kids but I know deep down inside my father has broken her heart.

My father was her first real relationship. She always use to talk about how he was her prince charming who swept her off her feet and loved her for her.

She never expected my dad to switch up on her the way he has.

"So what was Cecilia doing here earlier?" Carson asked.

I took a swig of my beer and shrugged.

"I don't know but I told her now wasn't the time," I said.

"You call her to tell her what was up?" Carson asked.

"No. Why would I? Our family drama isn't her business," I said.

"Come on bro don't be like that. You know if you told her what was going on she'd be there for you. You two are like end game," Carson said.

"Man no we aren't. Did I not tell you I actually talked to her father man to man and he basically told me he'd never approve of me dating his daughter? Not to mention Cecilia has always friend zoned me?" I said.

"Man fuck her dad. What you and Cecilia have is kind of undeniable," Carson said.

"Sure it is. Look Cecilia has made it clear how she sees me. After all this shit with mom and dad I don't want to love a girl who can't love me back the same way. So to avoid heartbreak and headache I'm letting that go. Cecilia and I will always be friends but as far as a relationship goes I'm done chasing a girl who doesn't want me," I said.

"Man don't be like that. Don't put up a wall because her father disapproves and mom and dad couldn't make their marriage work. You're different... Cecilia is different," Carson reasoned.

"There is never going to be an us with me and Cecilia so drop it. I go back to New York soon anyways and she'll be here. It's pointless," I said guarded.

I got up from the couch and took another swig of my beer as I left the room.

My little brother might have meant well but he had no clue what he was talking about.

Cecilia P.O.V.

"So give me the low down on the hottie that is the guy we saw this afternoon?" Josie asked.

Josie and I were back at my house. We were just chillin in the pool talking.

She seemed to be obsessing over Deacon though.

"You mean Deacon?" I asked.

"He's name is Deacon... that's a nice name," Josie said.

"Yeah I guess," I said.

"So what is the deal with him? He single?" Josie pushed.

"Yeah but he lives in New York. He's family is just still here... like his parents," I explained.

"Well I'm cool with long distance. You know we should plan something and you invite him... that way you could introduce us. It's been so long since I've been on a date," Josie said.

Hearing Josie seem so interested in Deacon made me feel a little weird. I mean Deacon and I have decided to just be friends but he has admitted to having feelings for me.

How could I set him up with my friend if he deep down wanted me.

Or maybe it was selfish on my part not to try to hook him up with someone else that way he isn't stuck on me.

"I don't know," I said unsure.

"What did you and him have something.... If so I'll totally back off. I mean I'm all for girl code. If that's your ex boo I can take the hint," Josie said.

"No he and I have only ever been friends," I said.

"Ok then... will you set something up?" Josie asked.

I didn't really have a reason to say no to her.

Who am I to block two of my friends from meeting and getting to know each other?

If I'm not going to be with Deacon I might as well make sure he's with someone descent at least.

"I'll set something up and invite him. I see no reason why I can't play match maker here," I said.

"You're such a good friend. I promise you'll be my maid of honor if he and I get married," Josie joked.

I laughed and she swam off.

It was interesting to see how confident Josie was with her dating life considering her diagnosis. I wasn't at that stage yet to let someone in knowing I'd have to tell them what I had. 

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