Chapter 27

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I wiped my noise after doing a couple lines.

The light in the bathroom was turned off as Scott came walking out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

I sat on the bed dressed but had no clue what I wanted to do today.

I hadn't been to class since what happened with Lucas. I was starting to believe I just needed to drop out of school.

I'm not motivated to go and I honestly didn't have to be enrolled if I didn't want to be.

"When I met you weren't you a college student," Scott smirked as he took off his towel.

He grabbed his boxers and put them on.

"I was but I'm going to drop out," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"I need a break and honestly I could careless about school right now," I said.

"But what about your future?" he asked as he got dressed.

"What about it? Plenty of people get by without degrees," I said.

"That's true but you have the means to get a higher education. Why throw all that away?" Scott questioned.

"You're sounding father-ish right now. I don't need a lecture from you about throwing my future and opportunities away," I said.

"I'm sorry I thought we could be real with each other," Scott said as he took a seat on the bed.

I crawled over to him and got on his lap. I straddled him as he held me by my waist.

"Come on Scott I think we both know what our relationship here consist of... You keep me high and dicked down. We don't need to have deep conversations," I said.

"If I didn't bring you drugs would you still talk to me?" he asked.

"If I didn't put out would you still talk to me?" I countered.

"Cecilia I can get pussy anywhere. I'm not here for your pussy," Scott said.

"Then why are you here," I said as I got off his lap.

I was getting upset.

I didn't like the direction this conversation was headed.

"I'm here because I thought we bonded. I thought we might have been building a friendship. You were letting me see a layer of you that wasn't the rich girl who on the outside looks to have a perfect life. You were letting me see your hurt... your pain. But now you've masked it with the drug use," Scott said.

"Have you had a hit today baby? I think you might need a line or two. Scott you introduced me to drugs so get off your high horse," I said defensively.

"I might snort a line or two from time to time but I'm not some full blown drug addict Cecilia. I have an actual job.... And life outside of this you know," Scott clarified.

"I want you to leave," I said.

"Why because I'm questioning you.... because I'm trying to have a real conversation outside of your high and our sex," he said.

"Leave," I said now upset.

Scott stood up and I got under my covers.

He grabbed his keys and drugs off my nightstand.

"Leave the drugs," I said.

"No," he said as he headed out of my bedroom.

I got up and quickly went after him.

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