Chapter 60

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

My father parked the car in Madison's driveway as we got to their house for dinner.

My father drove the new Range Rover he recently purchased for my mother. It was a teal color with silver accents and sick rims. The interior was all tan leather.

This was one of the more toned down cars my family owned.

As I got out of the car I noticed how Madison and her mother's cars didn't compare.

I wasn't judging but I could tell my dad was.

"This is where Madison lives?" my father questioned as he locked the car.

"Yes dad," I said with a sigh.

This was going to be a long night.

"Caleb we're here to all get on the same page not judge them. Madison is a sweet girl and I hate to break it too you but not everyone grows up rich," my mother reasoned as we all walked up to the front door.

"I know that Zoe. But if our grandchild doesn't have to live a life of struggle why let it?" my father reasoned.

"Caleb please just keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking. You have a tenancy to be an asshole sometimes," my mother said.

"Whatever lets just get this over with," my father said.

My mother knocked on the door as my father had his hand on the small of her back.

The door opened a few seconds later and Madison opened the door.

"Hi," Madison said a bit nervous.

"Hi Madison," my mother said with a warm smile.

Madison stood back and my parents walked in. My father barely looked in Madison's direction. He was way too busy looking over her home.

I walked in and Madison closed the door.

I gave her a quick hug and I could feel her shaking a bit.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Your father is judging and it's been two seconds since he walked in," Madison pointed out.

I looked over and did see my father heavily inspecting the place.

"So this is your home.... The home you plan on raising my grandson in?" my father asked.

"Caleb," my mother said in a warning tone.

"What dear I'm just asking a simple question," my father said.

"Yes this is the home where our grandson will be raised," Madison's mother chimed in as she entered the room.

"Hello Ms. Johnson," my mother said to Madison's mother.

"Mrs. Atwood," Madison's mother said in a guarded tone.

"This is a lovely home you have," my mother said.

"I don't think your husband agrees," Madison's mother said as she eyed my father.

"It's small...seems like bringing in a newborn would make for overcrowding," my father spoke up.

"It's fine... I think it's nice," I spoke up.

"Well before we all start discussing things let's set down and get some food. I made gumbo," Madison's mother said.

Madison's mother led the way to the kitchen table.

I saw my father whisper something in my mother's ear and she gave him a warning glare.

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