Chapter 55

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

As I sat in the doctor's office waiting for my doctor to walk in I had a gut feeling my life was going to forever change today.

My parents had taken me to the doctor a couple weeks ago and had test ran on me and got me all checked out.

They just wanted to make sure I was healthy and ok.

Last night I got a call from my doctor stating that I needed to come into the office.

I knew that couldn't mean anything good.

My mother was here with me and my father was on his way from work.

I sat nervously fidgeting with my hands just hoping I was going to get good news.

"Hello Cecilia and Mrs. Atwood. I'm sorry to keep you both waiting," my doctor said as she walked into the office.

As she closed the door behind her I looked back seeing if there was any sign of my father.

Where was my dad?

Was there heavy traffic from his nightclub to the doctor's office?

I saw my doctor sit down behind her desk with my file in her hand.

"So how have you been feeling Cecilia?" my doctor asked.

"Fine... I guess.... Why?" I asked.

"Well I have your test results here from your HIV test," she said.

I felt so nervous.

"What were her results?" my mother asked.

"Cecilia you are legally an adult. I can go over your test results with you privately if you would like," my doctor said.

Just hearing that confirmed the worst for me. If I had nothing to worry about why would she want my mother to leave the room?

"I'm fine with my mother hearing the results. Just tell me was my test positive or negative?" I asked.

My doctor took a long pause and closed my file.

"Cecilia your HIV test came back positive," she revealed.

The second those words left her mouth I felt like time stopped.

I have HIV!

I'm infected with something that has no cure!

I'm going to die!

I'm never going to find real love now!

I'll never have a family!

No one is ever going to want to touch me!

I'm tainted!

I'm disgusting!

I'm gross!

I have a disease!

"Cecilia I can see in your eyes that your mind is racing. I'm sure you are panicking with all kinds of thoughts that are untrue," my doctor said.

"I have HIV! No one is ever going to want to be with me! I can't have kids... I'm going to die," I said.

"Cecilia that is all not necessarily true," my doctor said.

"What part is a lie? I have a disease that has never been cured in any patient!" I said.

"Excuse me but doctor how do you think she got it?" my mother asked.

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