Chapter 7

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

My father pulled up outside of the airport. I couldn't believe my week with my family was over but I was more than ready to get back to my life in LA.

I couldn't wait to see Ryan even though it would be a quick reunion before we left for New York.

I just really wanted to see him and tell him about my pregnancy.

Christmas was great. My parents and grandparents got me some amazing things. They even still spoiled the brat that is my brother Mason. He was grateful at least but still grounded from what I heard.

My little brother sure was a handful and I could tell he wasn't about to stop testing his limits with our parents. I only hope he'll get it together soon before he completely looses himself.

"It's been great having you home angel," my father said.

"It's been great being back home. I missed all of you," I said.

"We miss you too but know you're doing great things at school. Your mother and I are so proud of you. You have grown up to be such a great girl sweetheart," my father said.

"Thanks dad," I said.

My father and I got out of his car. He grabbed my suitcase from the trunk as I stood on the sidewalk.

"Until your next visit," he said.

"It'll be sooner than you think dad," I said.

My father gave me a tight hug and for a moment I felt like a little girl again. Felt like nothing could ever harm me and my father would always be here to protect me from any and everything.

"Be safe and call your mother and I when you land," my father said.

I nodded and took my suitcase as I headed into the airport.

As I got to the entrance I turned back to see that my father was still watching to see that I got inside.

I smiled and waved bye to him then entered the airport.

I had to wait an hour before my flight boarded.

Once on the plane it was a five-hour flight back to Los Angeles.

I slept for most of the flight then read a book. I have always liked reading my books myself. I don't really care for the audio book thing.

Once my flight landed I took an Uber back to my condo.

The drive was long due to traffic.

About forty-five minutes later the Uber pulled up outside of my condo and I got out.

I grabbed my suitcase and headed inside.

I walked into the lobby of my condo building.

I walked through the lobby and onto the elevator.

I took the elevator up to my floor.

When the elevator stopped I stepped off and walked down the hall.

I got to my front door and unlocked it with my key.

It felt great to be back home.

I walked in and saw that Ryan's suitcase was by the door.

My man was home.

I smiled excitedly and left my suitcase right next to his.

I walked back to our bedroom and took off my shoes.

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