Chapter 42

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I woke up to my cell phone ringing.

I slowly opened my eyes as I had the worst headache.

I sat up and saw Scott sleeping next to me.

I smiled and grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

I saw that my mother was calling me and answered.

I forgot to call her back yesterday. I was sure by now she was worried or wondering why I never called her back.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to answer my call so I didn't wake up Scott.

"Hello," I answered as I shut the bathroom door.

"Cecilia Atwood where the hell are you! And before you fix your mouth to lie to me I already know you never went to work yesterday! I have spoken with Deacon and he said you called out sick. Now if you are really sick I would like to come see you so where are you staying," my mother said.

I could hear the anger in my mother's voice.

I had never been the kind of child to lie.

But I'd been through a lot these last few months and well things change.

"I'm fine mom and I'm safe. I'm with Scott," I said.

"Well that tells me nothing! Where are you with Scott!" my mother demanded.

"Mom... we're... we're..." I just couldn't get the words out. I was nervous all of a sudden.

"Well spit it out! Where are you two!" my mother shouted.

"We're in Vegas," I admitted.

"VEGAS!" my mother shouted.

"Mom it's too early to be shouting at me," I said.

She was making my headache worse.

As I stayed on the phone the bathroom door opened.

Scott walked in and looked at me.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked.

I covered my phone and said, "My mom."

Scott nodded and pulled down his boxers.

He walked over to the toilet to pee.

"Cecilia what are you two doing in Vegas?" my mother asked.

Scott flushed the toilet and washed his hands.

He gave me a quick kiss then left the bathroom.

"We just wanted to get away.... It's no big deal mom relax," I said.

"Cecilia you have a job you falsely called in sick for to run off to Vegas with your boyfriend for no real reason other than you two just wanted to get away! Now you were raised better than that! Bean this is not you! I want you on a flight back here to New York right now or either I can fly out there to Vegas. Which would you like to do?" my mother asked.

"Mom you don't have to come out here. I'll be back in New York by tonight," I said.

"Good! Once you get back here I expect a call and then we're talking face to face," my mother insisted.

"Ok mom," I said.

"I love you Bean. Be safe and hurry back," my mother said.

"I love you too mom. Bye," I said.

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