Chapter 72

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I stood outside of Deacon's condo nervous as hell.

I was able to catch a red eye flight here but now that I was here I was losing my nerve.

I wanted to come see him and be honest with him.

I wanted to tell him the truth and then see if he could still accept me.

Since my mom was supportive of Deacon and I dating I felt a bit better. My dad was hesitant and some of his hesitance was out of being protective while the other half was because he just didn't like Deacon's father.

I took a deep breath and reached out to knock on the door.

I waited a few seconds that felt like minutes.

After what felt like forever I knocked again.

It was around ten at night.

Maybe he was asleep.

I should just leave and come back in the morning.

No actually I need to go back home and regroup. I rushed into flying out here.

I should catch a flight back home and really plan out what I want to say to Deacon.

How can I tell him I'm HIV positive and still expect him to want to be with me or love me?

Yeah I'll go back home and just rethink all this.

I grabbed the handle to my suitcase and was about to walk back to the elevator when the door opened.

At first I felt nervous because I thought it was Deacon that answered the door but I quickly saw this tall red head wrapped in nothing but a towel and felt my heart drop.

What the actual fuck!

"Hi can I help you?" the girl said.

I could just say I have the wrong address and quickly leave so Deacon doesn't even know I was ever here.

I could also confront Deacon and this girl he clearly just showered with.

Do I have a right to be mad?

I mean it's not like he's my boyfriend.

But he did ask to be my boyfriend when I dropped him off at the airport.

Come on Cecilia don't be a little bitch confront him.

"Yeah you can. I need to speak with Deacon this is his condo right?" I asked with a slight stank attitude.

"He actually just stepped out to grab us some dinner... are you someone he was expecting?" she asked.

What did she mean by that?

Did Deacon have women like scheduled to stop by and she thought I was next up?

"No I came to surprise him but clearly I'm the one getting surprised. I shouldn't have come here. Please don't tell him I was here," I said.

"Wait... are you like his girlfriend or something?" she asked.

Was this girl dumb?

If I was his girlfriend why is she here practically naked!

"I might have been until I got here and saw you practically naked in his home!" I snapped.

I really didn't expect to snap like that but I was pissed. I traveled all this way for this bullshit. Deacon and this girl could both kiss my ass.

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