Chapter 15

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

I was at home laying on my couch in sweatpants and a tank top. I had done what Deacon suggested and thought long and hard about my decision to end my pregnancy.

I was more than sure about ending the pregnancy.

I mean I'm too young to become a mom. I also never saw myself doing the single mom thing. Not to mention having to tell my parents and see that disappointment in their eyes.

No it's better I just end this pregnancy and do this whole thing over once I'm older and fall for the right guy.

Hell that's if I can even find it in myself to trust a man again.

After this whole thing with Ryan I feel like I need to be way more guarded.

Men are trash.

All they do is lie and get your hopes up.

As I sat watching TV I heard a knock at my front door.

I got up and went to answer the door.

I wasn't expecting anyone.

When I opened the door I was surprised to see Deacon.

He was dressed in this dress shirt and slacks. He looked handsome.

I'd never seen him dressed up for work before or any formal event for that matter.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey... I got out of my meeting early and thought I'd come check on you. You ok?" he asked.

I nodded and I guess he could tell I was lying because he closed the space between us and hugged me.

I wasn't expecting it but needed that hug.

I hugged him back as I took a few steps back letting him come inside.

I let the door close behind him.

"So what ya doing right now?" he asked.

I pulled back from our hug and shrugged.

"Go put on some real clothes. I'm taking you out. You can't stay in here all day moping," Deacon said.

"I'm not moping," I lied.

Deacon gave me a side eye look as if not believing a word I just said.

"I don't feel like going out. Lets just stay here. We can watch a movie. I got ice cream," I said.

"Really? You want to just chill and watch a movie?" he asked.

I nodded with a half smile.

"Fine but I want the ice cream," he said as he walked over to the couch.

I let Deacon find us a movie on Netflix while I grabbed the ice cream and two spoons.

I joined him back in the living room a minute later.

I handed him a spoon and took the top off the ice cream.

We both dipped our spoons in as the movie started.

"What movie did you pick?" I asked.

"It's a surprise just watch," he smirked.

I looked at him with a side eye then heard music start playing and the opening credits.

I knew what movie this was. I remembered watching this movie back in high school with a couple friends as a joke.

I always hated this movie.

"You picked Magic Mike," I tried not to laugh.

"Perfect movie to cheer you up," Deacon laughed.

"More like the perfect movie to make me throw up. This move is so cringe," I said.

"Oh you know you like this move like every other girl secretly does," Deacon joked.

"Oh no I don't," I said.

Deacon grabbed the remote and fast forward through the movie to the one memorable part. The scene where Channing Tatum is dancing in the shed to the song Pony.

Deacon pressed play and stood up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see," he smirked.

Deacon loosened his tie and then unbuttoned a few of the buttons on his shirt.

Then to my surprise he started imitating Channing's scene in his own way.

I was so embarrassed for him.

I started laughing and blushing.

Deacon came up to me and stood between my legs.

He danced on me a bit and grinded on me.

I laughed and playfully pushed his chest.

He grabbed my hands and slowly ran them down his chest.

He pulled me up and grabbed me.

He turned me around and held me then started having us dance to the music.

I let him lead a bit but found myself grinding back on him.

He turned me around and dipped me as the music stopped.

Our faces were inches away from each other.

For a second we stayed there looking into each other's eyes.

I was breathing kind of heavy and so was he.

Then to break the moment he started laughing.

He pulled me up and let go of me.

"Ok where did you learn that?" I asked.

"I stripped my way through college," Deacon said.

"Seriously?" I asked shocked.

"No..." he laughed.

I laughed embarrassed that I couldn't pick up that he was joking.

"Actually some buddies of mine and some girls we had been seeing went to go see the movie in high school. One spring break some guy friends of mine and I all found this group of older women on a bachelorette trip. We might have crashed their little party by pretending to be strippers as a joke. It was just something fun and well all the women agreed I was the best dancer. Guess it's that half black side of me," Deacon smirked.

"Well I'd have to agree," I said.

Deacon and I just laughed and then a knock at my door interrupted the moment.

I walked off to answer the door.

I was still blushing and laughing at what had just happened.

I opened the door and just like that my laughing came to a halt.

"Daddy," I said shocked to see my father at my doorstep.

"Hi baby girl," my father said as he pulled me in for a hug.

I hugged my father back in surprise. I had no clue he was coming to town.

I felt my father tense up as we hugged and I pulled back.

"What is Deacon Sharp doing here?" my father asked me as he spotted Deacon standing in my living room.

I was not looking forward to explaining this considering when I mentioned running into Deacon over Christmas break at the grocery store my father said to stay away from him. 

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