Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

Slowly I opened my eyes as I woke up in bed alone.

I sat up and got out of bed.

Last night felt like a blur.

What started out as a good night ended so horribly.

I walked over to the dresser and looked at my face. There were no signs of Ryan hitting me. The little bit of blood that dripped from my lip dried up before I could fully process what had happened.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I placed my hand over my stomach thinking about how a baby was growing inside me.

Ryan's baby.

A baby he didn't even know was growing inside me.

I walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw his back turned to me. He was in his pajama pants cooking breakfast.

I walked up to the barstool and pulled it back then sat down.

"You're actually cooking," I joked.

He turned off the stove and had two plates.

"Yeah. How do you think I eat? I don't eat out everyday. Fast food ain't good for me stay in shape," Deacon joked.

I smiled as he placed a plate of food in front of me.

He made us French toast.

"Thanks," I said as he handed me the syrup.

"You're welcome. You sleep ok?" he asked.

"Yeah... you know I could have taken the couch. You didn't have to give me your bed," I said.

"Cecilia it's nothing. Really. I'm just glad you're ok," he said as he sat down beside me.

I handed him the syrup.

"He's never acted like that before. He was really jealous seeing you and I dance together. Looking back I shouldn't have been dancing with you in the first place. I mean I'm in a relationship. It was disrespectful for me to act like that. Ryan's my first boyfriend and I'm still learning how to be a good girlfriend," I explained.

"I hear you taking a lot of the blame for a grown man not being secure in his manhood. How old is he again?" Deacon asked.

I was quiet and chewed my food slowly.

I didn't tell Deacon that Ryan hit me. I was too embarrassed to tell him.

I just called him crying and told him my boyfriend and I got into a fight. I said I needed a place to crash and he let me stay with him for the night.

"He's thirty six," I admitted.

"And how old are you again?" Deacon asked as he looked over at me.

"Nineteen," I said quietly.

"So this guy is a whole seventeen years older than you acting like a little boy because he saw us dancing..." Deacon questioned.

"Ryan's protective," I tried to reason.

"More like insecure. Maybe his old ass is scared you'll wake up and realize you need a guy more in your age range. Look I'm not trying to judge. But if a guy is starting an argument over a harmless dance between friends you need to rethink the relationship," Deacon advised.

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