Chapter 56

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Copyright © 2020 Nicole Mckoy

Mason P.O.V.

I walked in the house and dropped my bag by the stairs.

I needed to have a talk with my dad about the documents he sent Madison.

I walked in and went through the living room to the kitchen where my parents were in deep conversation. They didn't even notice me standing in the doorway.

"I'm worried Caleb. She's been in her bedroom ever since we got back," my mother said.

"I swear that guy is dead!" my father said angrily.

"Caleb now is not the time to say that. We need to figure out how to help her through this. Her life just changed forever," my mother said.

"I don't want her feeling like this is her fault. It's not her fault it's that fucking coke head cheating lying ass prick's fault," my father said as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Aren't you being a little hypocritical," my mother reasoned.

"Don't go there with me. I never gave you anything," my father said with a certain furious glare.

"But you could have," my mother said.

"Really Zoe! Really right now you want to bring up old shit that has nothing to do with anything instead of focusing on the problem at hand! I never fucked you raw after fucking another woman raw in the same night. I sure as hell never stuck needles in my arm to get high! That piece of shit gave my daughter AIDS!" my father argued.

I was in shock.

"Cecilia has AIDS?" I asked in disbelief.

Just hearing that made me feel like the problem I came to discuss was minor.

"Mason what the hell are you doing listening in on our private adult conversation!" my father snapped.

"I wasn't listening in on purpose. I came in here because I needed to talk to you. But clearly you have more important things to worry about," I said ready to leave.

"Mason don't walk away. You are our child just as much as your sister. You are just as important. What is on your mind?" my mother asked.

"What I wanted to talk about can wait," I said.

"Mason are you sure?" my mother asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for interrupting. I'm going to go up to my room," I said.

I left the kitchen and went back through the living room. I grabbed my bag from the bottom of the stairs and headed upstairs to my bedroom.

Cecilia P.O.V.

I wiped the fog off the mirror after I got out of the shower.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my body wrapped in a towel.

I felt like no matter how hot the water was or how hard I scrubbed my body I still felt dirty.

I started crying again as I thought about how I walked in the doctor's office this afternoon with one mindset and left with a completely different one.

I have a disease that has no cure. My time is limited.

I feel like all of a sudden my life has a very short timer.

I wiped my tears and walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom.

I took off my towel and walked over to my dresser drawer. I slipped on some underwear and my pajamas.

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