Chapter 16

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Cecilia P.O.V.

"Cecilia I asked you a question. What is Deacon Sharp doing here?" my father asked again as he stepped inside my condo.

My father didn't look happy to see Deacon's presence.

"Cecilia I'm going to go," Deacon said as he started buttoning up his shirt.

"Deacon you don't have to leave," I said.

"Yes he does," my father said rudely.

"Dad, stop!" I warned.

"It's cool Cecilia. I'll call you later," he said.

My father just shook his head in disapproval as Deacon headed to the door.

I walked behind Deacon and grabbed his arm as he reached for the door.

Deacon turned back to look at me.

"You don't have to go," I said.

"I don't think we have a choice in this. Your father clearly doesn't want me here," Deacon said quietly.

"I'm sorry about him," I said.

"It's fine," Deacon said.

Deacon opened the door and quickly left.

I turned around and saw my father still looking displeased.

"That was very rude of you dad! Deacon didn't do anything to deserve your rude attitude towards him," I said.

"I thought I told you to stay away from that boy!" my father said sternly.

"He's just a friend dad," I said.

"Really? Just a friend? Then why when I walk in is his shirt unbuttoned. What the hell was going on in here before I arrived?" my father questioned.

"Nothing dad! Gosh!" I said defensively.

"Cecilia I don't want that boy around you. He's no good and his father is a whole different story," my father warned.

"Dad you and his father use to be best friends. Deacon is not his father though," I said.

"Sure he isn't," my father said with an eye roll.

"Dad why are you even here?" I asked.

"I can't come check up on my baby girl?" my father questioned.

"No you can," I said.

"Well I'm only in town for the night. Then I'm headed to New York for business," my father said.

"Speaking of New York. Dad I've been doing a lot of thinking and I want to transfer to NYU," I said.

"What? But I thought you loved it here?" my father questioned.

"I liked it but I think New York would be a better fit and I've already looked into transferring," I explained.

"Where is all this coming from? It's not because of that Sharp boy is it?" my father asked.

"Dad this has nothing to do with Deacon. I just really want to transfer please," I said.

"I'll look into it but Cecilia I don't like this. You haven't even finished your first year and the lease on this place is not up anytime soon," my father said.

"Daddy I'll get a job if I have to. Please just let me transfer," I begged.

"Let me make some phone calls and see what I can do. But if I do this you aren't transferring again, alright. You will stay in New York until you graduate," my father said sternly.

I just nodded.

I was glad my father was willing to try to get me transferred. There was no way I could stay here after all that's happened with Ryan.

I still couldn't believe how blind I was and how stupid I was to believe anything Ryan said.

Ryan might be the first man I've ever loved and been intimate with. But I sure as hell will be more selective in the future.

All I need to do right now was get my abortion and move to New York and forget this whole start to adulthood and college life ever happened.

Mason P.O.V.

I was walking outside after practice headed home for the afternoon. Ashley couldn't hang out tonight and Camden was busy so I called Madison.

She didn't answer her phone and I thought I should just head over to her house anyway.

I got in my car and headed to her place.

Madison had been distant every since I told her Ashley and I were back together.

At school she seems to avoid me and the guys. She doesn't have lunch with us anymore or sit near us in class.

It's weird.

When I got to Madison's house I parked my car and got out.

I headed up to the front door.

I knocked a couple times until she finally answered.

Madison answered the door and didn't look all that well.

"Hey you good?" I asked.

"Mason what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I don't see you much at school. I wanted to check in on you," I said.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to check in on?" Madison said with a slight attitude.

"Madison what's up? I thought we were cool after the hook up at New Years," I said.

"Yeah we're cool," Madison said with an eye roll.

"I don't believe you. You seem really bitter," I said.

"Mason you are not all that. I'm not bitter. I'm just busy," Madison said rudely.

"Ok..." I said confused.

"I got homework to do. I really can't talk right now," Madison said.

"Fine," I said.

"Well bye," Madison said coldly as she closed the door.

I really didn't understand Madison's attitude.

I mean I thought we both agreed our hook up meant nothing. So why was she acting so salty.

It's like she's pissed I got back with Ashley.

I just shrugged and headed back to my car.

If Madison wanted to make things weird between us that was on her not me.

She needed to grow up and not act like such a baby about things. 

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